Page 45 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
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          The first session of the round-table focused on the   “Countries  like France are too dependent on
          financial  mechanisms  involved  and  the  associated   imported seafoods. We need to ramp up domestic
          issues. Christian Lim, Managing Director of SWEN   production.  And  there  is  no better  time  to  support
          Capital Partners’ Blue Ocean fund (a venture capital   sustainable aquaculture”,  stated  Jérémie  Cognard,
          fund worth 170 million euros), outlined the role of   co-founder and CEO of Agriloops, following a highly
          blue  finance  in  the  transformation  of  aquaculture   engaging roadshow he undertook to raise millions of   Bertrand Charron,
                                                                                                        Global Director of Research
          and  fisheries,  as  well  as  the  function  of  innovation   euros for his aquaponic farm. The entrepreneur has   & Insights at the Aquaculture
          and technology:  “Impact  investments  need  banks   developed a patented technology based on in-depth   Stewardship Council (ASC)
          and  insurance funds  at  international level.  We   lifecycle analysis to farm prawns without the use of
          also need  to join forces with  corporate  investors”.   antibiotics in a land-based facility, using up to 90%
          Although sustainable blue investments are focused   less water and recycling the wastewater as fertiliser
          on specific areas of impact, they all subscribe to the   to grow a variety of fruit and vegetable crops. This
          general  principle  of  not  causing  ‘significant  harm’   winning solution, based on transparency and process
          and even having a positive impact on ocean health.   simplification,  has  won  over  sustainability-focused
          The aquaculture sector  “is seeing growth;  whereas   investors.
          it was non-existent five  years  ago, it  now amounts
          to 1  billion euros”, continued the panellist, drawing   The panellists agreed that sustainable growth in blue
          attention to the question of market returns for venture   finance  is  possible  and  that  data  and  performance
          capital investments, which need to be based on   transparency is essential in order to instil confidence
          “three key characteristics, namely sustainability,   in the long term. Finally, solutions can only come from
          product performance and competitive pricing”.  dialogue between all key stakeholders: innovators,
                                                      financiers,  businesses,  NGOs,  certification  bodies
                                                      and consumers. A world in which aquaculture plays a
          TRANSPARENCY                                key role in providing food and social advantages while
          AND COLLABORATION                           minimising negative impacts on the environment
                                                      could be on the horizon.
          “We have a duty to be transparent and report on
          our company’s  social and  environmental impacts”,
          stressed Estelle Brennan, Head of Sustainability at
          Labeyrie Fine Foods. When asked about the role of                “A verifiable track record and data are
          civil society and the advantages of having a ‘social              necessary to demonstrate why investing
          permit’ in order to operate, she replied:  “We need                in sustainable aquaculture is an obvious
          to value the social aspects more and not forget that               choice.”
          behind the key performance indicators and data are                 Christian Lim, Managing Director of
          people”. Another guiding principle for companies                   SWEN Capital Partners’ Blue Ocean
          and their partners is collaboration, which is essential          venture capital fund
          throughout the value chain to ensure consistency in
          data collection so that the challenges of sustainability
          are fully understood.
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