Page 43 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 43

                                                              ACCELERATING BLUE FINANCE AND ECONOMY              | 41
                                                                                  UE FINANCE AND E
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          Although the ultimate solution to decarbonisation
          does not exist, a range of alternative energy sources   “Maritime companies will need to present strong
          do: new fuels, wind propulsion (an option already   data  to prove  their commitment  to the transition
          implemented by shipowners like Zéphyr & Borée with   and  secure their financing”, said Sylvain Pagès of
          Canopée, a ship fitted out by a start-up called Ayro),   AltfinPartners. Environmental reporting and scientific
          hydrogen propulsion in dual-fuel set-ups (which   data collection are therefore key for the sector’s green
          Compagnie Maritime Belge (CMB) has opted for),   transition. According to Francis Vallat, Founder and
          methanol, etc. Faced with the challenge of significant   Honorary President of the Cluster Maritime Français,
          additional costs, Babis Tsamkosoglou, representing   “There’s no longer any choice: the ocean is under
          shipowner Purus, shared his experience, then   attack,  poisoned and sick, and needs to be better
          commented, “a combination of carbon tax schemes   understood if it is to be protected and then cured.
          and government grants for low-carbon practices is the   Otherwise,  humanity is doomed… Sentinels like
          right way to start giving the right value to these green   SeaOrbiter are no longer just a possibility, they are a
          and low-carbon practices their just worth.” “Opting   necessity”.                                                      © Aquaculture Stewardship Council
          for cheaper, less environmentally friendly alternatives
          today may seem appealing in the short term but will   This gathering of key cross-sector experts marked a
          pose  greater  underlying  risks  for  investors  and  the   first step in highlighting the importance of innovation,
          environment in the long run”, added Joana Foglia,   investment  and  environmental  regulation  in  the
          a  sustainable  finance  and  blue  economy  expert  at   maritime industry, and was one in a series  of blue
          Blumorpho.                                  economy round-table events at Monaco Ocean
                                                      Week. Organised to address the key challenge of
          CARBON CAPTURE                              decarbonising the maritime industry over the coming
          AND SEQUESTRATION                           decade, the event showed the need for a multifaceted
                                                      approach geared towards 2050.
          To meet the targets set by the IMO, decarbonisation
          must happen at every stage of the value chain:
          infrastructure  (TechnoCarbon),  optimising  port  MONACO’S SHIPPING COMMITMENT
          operations (GridMatrix), carbon-neutral fuel production
          (Aerleum) and retrofitting vessels with carbon capture   “Monaco has had its own fleet of merchant ships and naval vessels
          systems (Carbon  Clean). Solutions also  focus  on   dating back to the 12th century,” noted Sébastien Knecht de Massy,
          carbon sequestration. Gigablue’s innovation facilitates   President of the Monaco Chamber of Shipping, which has over forty
          carbon sequestration in deep waters using bio-  members that between them manage over a thousand ships, including
          geochemistry and its ocean intelligence platform to   tankers, bulk carriers, cruise vessels and cable layers. “It is evident that
          identify optimal sequestration areas globally.  we must comply with the new European Carbon Tax legislation and
                                                        that banks will not finance operations without a clear environmental
          IN                                            strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” he added.
                                                        Romain Ciarlet, Executive Director and Secretary General of the Prince
                                                        Albert  II of Monaco Foundation, advocated for an inclusive, global
          The global merchant fleet                     approach, entailing stringent regulations, fostering innovation and

             ■  Less than 1% of the world’s 100,000     making substantial investments on a large scale: “Shipping impacts
             merchant ships use alternative fuels,      ocean climate and biodiversity. Built on a commitment to preserve the
             ■  28 billion US dollars per year would    global ocean, the Foundation can catalyse positive change through
             be needed to decarbonise ships by          its philanthropic endeavours, impact investments and awareness
             2050, and up to 90 billion US dollars      actions, and thereby contribute to the transition towards a more
             to develop the infrastructure needed
             for 100% carbon-neutral fuels.             environmentally responsible shipping industry.”

          (sources: UNCTAD, ‘Technology and Innovation
          Report 2023’; Getting to Zero Coalition, ‘A Strategy
          for the Transition to Zero-Emission Shipping’, 2021)
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