Page 41 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 41

                                                              ACCELERATING BLUE FINANCE AND ECONOMY              | 39

                                                                                 JUSTICE & ÉQUITÉ
                                                                                 JUSTICE & EQUITY

                  The World Bank defines the Blue
          Economy as “the sustainable use of ocean              Biodiversity & Climate                    Biodiversité & Pollution
                                                                 Biodiversité & Climat
                                                                                                          Biodiversity & Pollution
          resources for economic growth, improved               Par exemple, optimisation et              Par exemple, généraliser
                                                                E.g. speed optimization and
                                                                                                          E.g. establish Emission
                                                                 restriction de la vitesse pour
          livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosystem           restriction to reduce greenhouse   Biodiversité  l'établissement de Zones de
                                                                                                          Control Areas everywhere
                                                                                                          contrôle des émissions et
                                                               réduire les émissions de gaz à
                                                                                                          and boost Particularly
         health”. Making this a reality requires cross-       gas emissions, underwater noise   Biodiversity  renforcer les Zones maritimes
                                                              effet de serre, le bruit sous-marin
                                                                                                          Sensitive Sea Areas
                                                                       and whale strikes
           border collaboration and unprecedented             et les collisions avec les baleines.        particulièrement vulnérables.
          partnerships, which are particularly crucial
            for Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
           and the Least Developed Countries (LDC).
                                                            du transport
                                                            Pact for People
                                                            maritime pour
                                                            and Nature
                                                            l’humain et la
                                                            (SPPaN)            Climat               Pollution
                                                            nature (PTMHN)
                                                                                       Climat & Pollution
                                                                                      Climate & Pollution
                                                                              Par exemple, mise en place de mesures d'efficacité
                                                                                  E.g. efficiency measures to reduce fuel
                                                                                pour réduire la consommation de carburant,
                                                                                 consumption, greenhouse gas emissions,
          ANTI-POLLUTION MEASURES                                              les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, la carbone
                                                                                    black carbon, spills and pollution
          AND TECHNOLOGIES                                                        noir, les déversements et la pollution.
          Human activities such as shipping have led to
          increased underwater noise, negatively impacting
          marine animals and ocean ecosystems in both
          offshore  and coastal  habitats.  Measures to  limit
          ship speeds can lower noise levels, reduce the risk
          of colliding with marine animals and cut greenhouse   IN
          gas emissions. International conventions are in place   FIGURES
          to regulate rubbish, oil, air and wastewater pollution
          from ships.                                        The ocean is the cornerstone of world trade,
          Decarbonising the shipping industry is crucial for   with over 90% of international goods carried by sea.
          cutting  global  greenhouse  gas  emissions,  with
          alternative fuels like hydrogen and liquefied natural gas
          seen as promising solutions. Various technological
          innovations and operational practices are being
          explored to reduce fuel consumption and transition
          towards cleaner sources of energy for ships.
          Finally,  panellists  noted  that  significant  investment
          and policy adaptations will be needed if we are to   “Ocean conservation needs to be approached in a global,
          radically decarbonise maritime transport and adhere   worldwide and accelerated manner. This requires a systemic
          to international agreements.                       change in governance, with leadership that approaches
                                                             territories and their threats holistically, integrating
                                                             environmental, cultural, social and economic dimensions.
                                                             The challenge is to bring together policy-makers from
                                                             different sectors to work on this common problem.”
                                                             Francisca Cortés Solari, Executive President of Philanthropy
                                                             Cortés Solari
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