Page 42 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 42


            A decarbonised

            maritime industry –

            tomorrow’s reality?

            130 experts from the maritime industry were brought together by Blumorpho,
            a company delivering innovations for a sustainable economy, to tackle the

            major challenge of decarbonising the sector.

            How can attractive opportunities for collaboration   INNOVATION AND FINANCING:
            and investment be created to build a greener, more   THE NEXT STAGE?
            resilient maritime industry? How can positive change
            be catalysed and carbon emissions reduced across   In the maritime industry, “innovation is driven almost
            an entire industry? These were the questions explored   exclusively by the necessity to reduce carbon
            at the insightful event focusing on innovation,   footprint”, noted François Tison of 360 Capital
            financing and sustainable solutions, held at Monaco   Partners, listing the targets in the transition to net
            Yacht Club on 21 March 2024 during Monaco Ocean   zero by 2050 – a topic also discussed in relation to
            Week. Blumorpho’s Financing Maritime Innovation   the  global  merchant  fleet  by  Émilie  Espanet  of  the
            and Infrastructure for Climate and Ocean initiative   New Energies Coalition. “Shipping as an investment
            brought together leading stakeholders in the maritime   asset class is developing quickly”, explained Sylvain
            industry, including shipowners, innovative companies,   Pagès of AltfinPartners. However, capital needs are
            institutions, investment funds and shipyards.  “The   increasing to meet the ever stricter targets of the
            need  for alternative  fuels,  optimised  practices  and   International Maritime Organization (IMO) and banks
            efficient innovations in carbon sequestration, storage   are limited in their lending capacities. For that reason,
            and use is a complex equation to solve”, said   alternative  financing  is  needed,  which  is  leading  to
            Géraldine Andrieux, President of Blumorpho and MD   more and more shipping investment funds being set
            of The Hive Climate AI, in her opening address.  up. Leading funds are already showing the way, such
                                                         as  Eurazeo,  a  dedicated  200  million  euro  platform,
                                                         and financial players like Julius Baer.
                                                         Many solutions are emerging, in addition to clean
                                                         propulsion, creating investment opportunities  in
                                    INSIGHT              the innovative companies supporting the maritime
                                                         transition. Twenty start-ups and scale-ups in the
       “We are convinced that attractive collaboration   maritime  and  decarbonisation  field  were  selected
          and investment opportunities will emerge to    by Blumorpho to present their solutions and discuss
                            achieve net zero by 2050.”   them with experts.
          Géraldine Andrieux, President of Blumorpho
                        and MD of The Hive Climate AI
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