Page 47 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
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                     PHILANTHROPISTS LAY
                     THEIR CARDS ON THE TABLE                    According to the UNEP, conserving
                                                                 and protecting 30% of the ocean will
                     HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco set the tone for the   cost between 9 and 12 billion dollars per
                     event in his call for action by stressing the vital role   year – 9 to 10 times more than current
                     of ocean conservation in safeguarding the well-  expenditure on marine protected areas
                     being  of  present  and  future  generations.  He  hailed   worldwide. In this context, environmental
                     the important contribution of philanthropy to marine   philanthropy can act as a catalyst, not
                     conservation and welcomed the IUCN’s newest   only in financial terms but by fostering
                     Patron of Nature, eminent Chilean conservationist   partnerships that lead to national and
                     Francisca Cortés Solari.                    international agreements on climate
                     Next,  Enric  Sala,  renowned  National  Geographic     change and the environment, bringing
                     Society Explorer-in-Residence, provided valuable   us closer to achieving the targets set for
                     insight on the urgency of creating marine protected   protecting land and sea.
                     areas: “These sanctuaries provide a vital refuge for
                     marine life  to  flourish  and  ecosystems  to  recover”,
                     he commented, echoing the views of many     Abdallah Mokssit, Secretary of the IPCC, highlighted
                     environmentalists around the world.         the crucial link between science and policy in
                     Throughout the event, panellists engaged in detailed   developing  effective  conservation  strategies:  “It is
                     discussions about the challenges and opportunities   important to have evidence-based decision-making
                     facing philanthropic organisations and the private   and interdisciplinary cooperation to create global
                     sector in their efforts to advance marine conservation.   solutions to complex environmental challenges”.
                     “Environmental philanthropy is  crucial for  meeting   Daniela Picco, Executive Director of the MSC
                     marine conservation goals, not only in financial terms   Foundation, shared her views on the power of
                     but for its ability to connect different worlds and take   networks  and  partnerships  to  accelerate  progress
                     risks that other sectors cannot”, explained Francisca   towards climate and environmental  agreements.
                     Cortés  Solari,  Executive  President  of  Philanthropy   Supporting local conservation initiatives of national
                     Cortés  Solari  and  the  MERI  Foundation,  illustrating   importance and overcoming obstacles play a leading
                     the transformative potential of environmental   role in guaranteeing sustainable, long-term action.
                     philanthropy. She argued that catalysing change   “Business interest in sustainability and the potential of
                     requires strategic partnerships and innovative   financial innovation can bring about positive change”,
                     approaches that can maximise impact and help   commented Ramzi Issa, pioneering architect of the
                     achieve conservation targets.               Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) debt-
                                                                 swap market at UBS, offering a unique perspective on
                                                                 the private sector’s role in promoting environmental
                     COLLABORATIVE,                              management.
                     COMPREHENSIVE APPROACHES                    “Philanthropy is indispensable for fostering scalable
                                                                 solutions and implementing conservation measures
                     Mahir Aliyev, Regional Coordinator of the United   more swiftly”, said Susana Salvador, Executive
                     Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), drew   Secretary at ACCOBAMS.
                     attention to the need for the different sectors to work
                     together to tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate
                     change, biodiversity loss and pollution. He described
                     practical ways to leverage the unique strengths of
                     philanthropy, government agencies, businesses and
                     civil society to achieve significant progress.
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