Page 50 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 50

HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco surrounded by Bertrand Piccard and Mike Horn.
               In the foreground Bernard d’Alessandri and Olivier Wenden.
               A collaboration agreement was signed between the Prince Albert  II of Monaco
               Foundation and the Yacht Club of Monaco around the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge
               to launch a competition open to universities around the world rewarding, on July
               6,  2024,  the  best  technological  solution  applicable  to  yachting  combining  energy
               efficiency and carbon reduction .

            UNWAVERING COMMITMENT                        KNOWLEDGE, THE KEY
                                                         TO PROTECTION
            “To be a good explorer, you have to be humble,” said
            American  Victor  Vescovo,  the  first  person  to  have   According to Nina Jensen, CEO of REV Ocean, the
            reached the deepest points of the world’s oceans,   largest research expedition vessel (REV) currently under
            as his opening remark. Among the explorers present   construction, which will  be available for scientists,
            were Josh Gates, Barry Clifford, Carl Allen, Captain   NGOs, policy-makers, innovators, engineers and
            Maiwenn Beadle, Nico Vincent and artist James   stakeholders in the maritime sector, “less than 10%
            Prosek. Many of them have demonstrated unwavering   of the oceans have been explored. The idea with
            commitment to their craft – not least Emmanuelle and   this boat is to save life in the oceans and it’s not just
            Ghislain Bardout, the couple behind the Under The   about the boat, but also the people on board.”
            Pole expedition programme. “We sold everything we
            owned to buy our expedition boat.” The aim being to   Many of the speakers have made rare discoveries,
            reveal  the  underwater  world  to  the  public,  improve   either at sea or in space. “We collected a large number
            their own understanding of the ocean and above all   of samples that enabled us to discover the chemical
            alert people to the urgent need to protect it. “Fishing   composition of certain rocks on Mars,”  said  Nina
            is one of the biggest threats,” noted Rachel Graham,   Lanza, Team Lead for Space and Planetary Exploration
            who  works  with  traditional  fishers  and  sector   at  Los Alamos National  Laboratory. Explorers  share
            partners in several tropical countries to identify and   with scientists the ability to observe, analyse and
            implement win-win solutions that balance the well-  listen  to  the  nature  around  them,  as  Michel  André,
            being of  coastal communities  with  the sustainable   bioacoustician at the Technical University of Catalonia
            use of resources and the conservation of endangered   BarcelonaTech, explained.
            marine wildlife and their essential habitats. Liaising
            with local communities is key, explained Tommy Allen,   Dealing with the unknown is a constant in exploration:
            whose work revolves around building new types of   “Panic paralyses, but fear is a thermometer that keeps
            boats: “No matter what we work on or what we find,   you alert,” said legendary American astronaut Kathy
            too often we forget the human factor. The Indigenous   Sullivan. “Exploration is not just about going into the
            populations I meet embody  ecology, they are the   unknown, it is also about exploring a better quality of
            environment.”                                life. The impossible must be achieved. Every time we
                                                         have a choice to make, let’s go into the unknown,”
                                                         declared Bertrand Piccard, who this year is celebrating
                                                         the 25th anniversary of his non-stop round-the-world
                                                         balloon flight and is now a champion of innovation.
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