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               The spirit of adventure

               at the 13th Environmental


               Held in partnership with The Explorers Club of New York under the banner
               ‘A Day of Exploration’, Monaco’s 13th Environmental Symposium welcomed

               around 150 land and sea explorers from the United States for the first time.

               ACROSS THE WATER                             UNITED BY EXPLORATION
               On  Thursday  21  March  2024,  Monaco  Yacht  Club   Several offshore racing personalities joined the busy,
               (YCM) teamed up with The Explorers Club to host a   sea-focused day, including Jean-Pierre Dick and Boris
               one-day symposium devoted to exploration, which   Herrmann, skipper  of IMOCA  Malizia-Seaexplorer,
               concluded with the 4th YCM Explorer Awards by La   who  is  taking  part  in  the  next  Vendée  Globe.  “It’s
               Belle Classe Superyachts. A tailored programme was   important to have them here, because we need to
               curated for the large American delegation, including   know more about the ocean. These ambassadors help
               a J/70 one-design sailboat regatta; sailing YCM’s   raise awareness and deepen our understanding of the
               flagship, the 15-meter JI Tuiga (1909); the inauguration   marine environment,” said Bernard d’Alessandri, YCM
               of the first Explorer Dock attended by YCM General   General Secretary, in his opening address at the La
               Secretary, Bernard d’Alessandri, and The Explorers   Belle Classe Superyachts Environmental Symposium,
               Club Executive Director, William Roseman; visiting   which welcomed around 15 renowned explorers to the
               a fleet of seven explorer yachts in the YMC Marina;   stage. “The Club shares a rich history with Monaco,”
               and the christening ceremony of M/Y King Benji (46   began Richard Garriott, President of The Explorers Club
               meters).                                     of New York, whose Board of Directors HSH Prince
                                                            Albert II of Monaco is a member of. “Following on from
                                                            Prince Albert I, several generations of Grimaldis have
                                                            belonged to this Club, carried its flag in the field during
                                                            expeditions and won its highest distinctions. Some of
                                                            our members have walked on the moon and reached
                                                            the summit of Mount Everest, but our roots are firmly
                                                            anchored in the ocean.”
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