Page 48 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 48


            Are we, as a society, equipped to achieve sufficient
            levels of cooperation and cross-sectoral effort?
            Science  can  support  philanthropy  by  providing
            the means to align stakeholders around common,
            consensual solutions based on scientific evidence.
            Moncef Ziani, from the Union of Economic and Social
            Councils and Similar Institutions of Africa, drew
            attention to the urgent need for conservation action in
            Africa and called for effective mechanisms to monitor
            and evaluate the impact  of philanthropic initiatives
            and guarantee their long-term performance.
            “Only through concerted action can we solve the
            interconnected challenges facing our planet”,
            commented Assunção Cristas, Portugal’s former
            Minister of Agriculture and the Sea. She emphasised
            the role of philanthropy and the private sector in
            driving transformative change via a multi-dimensional
            approach to conservation.                     INSIGHT
            At the end of the session, Minna Epps, Director of the
            IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme, spoke      “It is essential we work together to mobilise
            of the funding challenges facing the new BBNJ      resources and advance marine conservation
                                                               goals. Scientific research and approaches
                                                               based on precise data play a crucial role in
            The event highlighted the need to continue growing
            blue philanthropy, fostering collaboration and taking   shaping decision-making.”
            action. Organisations, philanthropic entities and   Minna Epps, Director of the IUCN Global
            stakeholders across all sectors were invited to join   Marine and Polar Programme
            the global effort to protect the ocean for generations
            to come.
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