Page 37 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 37


                                                    Posidonia meadows :
                                                       ■  are home to over 400 species of plants and 1,000 species of marine
                                                       ■  protect beaches by reducing wave energy by 20%,
                                                       ■  limit coastal erosion,
                                                       ■  sequester 5 tons of carbon per hectare per year: the carbon stocks held
                                                        in dead meadows are 10 times higher than those found in forest soils.

                                                    A highly valuable resource:
                                                    Seagrass meadows are worth 50,000 euros per hectare per year, which is
                                                    3 times more than coral reefs and 10 times more than rainforests. 2

                                                    Seagrass beds in French Mediterranean waters cover 80,000 hectares,
                                                    10% of which are dead meadows that store carbon. Across the
                                                    Mediterranean as a whole, Posidonia covers more than 2 million hectares,
                                                    900,000 of which are in Tunisia. 3
                                                    1. C F Boudouresque et al, Protection and Conservation of Posidonia Oceanica Meadows
                                                    (Tunis: RAMOGE and SPA/RAC, 2012, 1–202).
                                                    2. Robert Costanza et al, ‘The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital’, Nature (1997).
                                                    3. Data calculated using ESRI ArcGIS©, in Luca Telesca et al, ‘Seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica)
                                                    distribution and trajectories of change’, Scientific Reports (5, 12505, 2015) and ‘MAPAMED, the database of
                                                    marine protected areas in the Mediterranean’ (MedPAN & SPA/RAC, 2021).


                                                                                                        Posidonia oceanica
                                                                                               meadows are an emblematic
                                                                                                   habitat found exclusively
                                                                                                   in the Mediterranean sea,
                                                                                               where they can be likened to
                                                                                               the Amazon rainforest for the
                                                                                                  role they play. Protected in
                                                                                                 France since 1976, and now
                                                                                               in Europe and internationally,
                                                                                                   this seagrass species acts
                                                                                                 as a vital habitat for marine
                                                                                                    life and provides nursery
                                                                                                grounds for fish populations.

                                 - Underwater photo showing the impact of yachting on Posidonia meadows -
                                                © Laurent Ballesta / Andromède Océanologie
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