Page 34 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 34


            Seaweed: the road

            to UNOC 2025

            The Global Seaweed Coalition organised a high-level think

            tank session in partnership with The Earthshot Prize and
            the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco to identify the main

            seaweed-related commitments to be secured in the run-up
            to UNOC 2025.

            Previously at Monaco Ocean Week, the Global   DRIVING CHANGE
            Seaweed Coalition focused on raising public
            awareness  of  the  potential  and  benefits  of  the   Discussions focused on the key drivers of sustainable
            nascent seaweed industry. This year, the coalition,   growth in the seaweed industry, as well as how
            which operates under the auspices of the UN Global   they can increase the positive impact of algae on
            Compact, wants to move beyond advocacy to action   ocean health and climate change. Seaweed offers
            and commitments. Motivating this, of course, is the   sustainable alternatives to many products. From
            third UN Ocean Conference (UNOC), scheduled to   the fashion industry to food and packaging, sector
            take place in Nice in June 2025.             stakeholders have the power to drive change by
                                                         adopting  sustainable,  seaweed-based  alternatives
            To lay the groundwork for this pivotal moment, a newly   in their supply chains. Companies can also reduce
            launched working group met at the Oceanographic   their environmental footprint by substituting carbon-
            Museum on 21 March 2024 to identify and unlock   intensive or plastic-based materials and ingredients
            seaweed  opportunities  and  leverage  next  year’s   with seaweed replacements.
            UNOC to secure concrete, sustainable action that
            will boost the sector on its upward trajectory. The   “Just as seaweed needs an entire ecosystem to grow
            participating experts explored a variety of avenues,   and live, our research and financing work is done as
            including commitments by companies, public, private   a team”, explained Vincent Doumeizel, Senior Advisor
            and  blended  financing,  state  support  for  the  green   on Oceans to the UN Global Compact. He added that
            transition, investments from asset managers and   cooperation and collective action are essential if we
            support from the general public.             are to generate positive change for the ocean and
                                                         meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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