Page 36 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 36


            Saving Posidonia

            is everyone’s business

            A panel discussion hosted by the Mediterranean Posidonia Network (MPN)
            on Wednesday 20 March 2024 explored ways to coordinate efforts to improve

            Posidonia seagrass protection and pave the way for a sustainable funding
            mechanism at the UN Ocean Conference in 2025.

            A working session co-organised by the French   The MedFund highlighted its already active role
            Biodiversity Agency’s European and International   in Posidonia conservation through the expansion
            Relations Division and Mediterranean Coast   of marine protected  areas.  It cautioned  against
            Delegation – both members of the MPN’s board –   duplicating  existing mechanisms  while calling
            was followed by a public discussion on the future of   for close collaboration with national authorities.
            Posidonia meadows at the Oceanographic Museum   MedPAN  identified  current  gaps  in  conservation
            of Monaco as part of Monaco Ocean Week.      and recommended including a focus on capacity
                                                         building  and  avoiding  duplication  of  effort.
                                                         BlueSeeds called for a change of narrative to
            ROADMAP TO FINANCE                           communicate the importance of Posidonia and
            POSIDONIA PROTECTION                         stressed the urgent need to create a unified fund.
            BY 2030                                      Finally, the WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative set
                                                         out the next steps in implementing the Roadmap
            The expert panel discussion centred on the findings   and recommended determining the precise
            and conclusions of a technical workshop held in   financial needs of all countries in order to alleviate
            Marseille in November 2023, which explored blue   the pressures on Posidonia meadows.
            carbon funding mechanisms to protect seagrass
            meadows in the Mediterranean. Panel members   All parties agreed on the need for a coordinated,
            recommended a series of solutions based on   strategic approach to ensure the long-term
            sustainable  funding  mechanisms,  identified  the   protection of Posidonia in the Mediterranean.
            next priority steps and highlighted strategies to
            strengthen cooperation across the Mediterranean.  This expert panel will provide strategic support for
                                                         the implementation of the Mediterranean Posidonia
                                                         Network Roadmap 2030 alongside other regional
            ENSURING LONG-TERM                           initiatives  to protect Mediterranean seagrass.
            PROTECTION                                   Adopting such an integrated approach will enable
                                                         the network to tackle the critical challenges facing
            The International Union for Conservation of Nature   Posidonia meadows while encouraging regional
            stressed  the  importance  of  harnessing  existing   cooperation  and long-term conservation  action.
            mechanisms like the Blue Carbon Accelerator   This pioneering initiative to save Posidonia is
            Fund to support blue carbon initiatives. It also   backed by the Mediterranean Commission on
            recommended working alongside Mediterranean   Sustainable Development established by the
            partners and specific donor countries.       Barcelona Convention.
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