Page 40 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 40


            Shipping and the triple

            planetary crisis

            Blue economy experts attended a two-day workshop at the Monaco Scientific

            Centre to discuss the green transition of this key sector of the global economy.

            There was a new subject up for debate at this year’s   SHIPPING TRADE: A NEW ERA
            round-table on the blue economy, held as part of     ON THE HORIZON?
            Monaco Ocean Week. International experts in public
            policy and ocean science met on 19 and 20 March   “While the growth in maritime transport is vital for
            2024 to discuss and work towards common minimum   world trade, it has become a double-edged sword,
            standards in ocean conservation, in particular for   exacerbating the triple  planetary crisis of climate
            maritime traffic. This intense two-day event was jointly   change, pollution and biodiversity loss”, noted Patrick
            organised by the Monaco Scientific Centre, the Prince   Rampal, President of the Monaco Scientific Centre.
            Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Philanthropy Cortés   To address the complex link between shipping and
            Solari, the MERI Foundation and Velux Fonden.   the triple planetary crisis, COP 28 in Dubai last
            Participants  at  the  high-level  workshop  separated   year announced the launch of the ‘2030 Shipping
            into four groups to examine the challenges facing   Pact for People and Nature’ (SPPaN). This historic
            countries as they attempt to make shipping more   pact underlines the need to decarbonise maritime
            sustainable and reduce its impact on the climate,   transport, not only to reduce its environmental
            biodiversity and pollution.                  footprint but to usher in a sustainable era for the
                                                         shipping trade. Marine pollution, caused mainly by
                                                         shipping activities, presents a huge challenge to
            DRAFTING A POLICY BRIEF                      our collective aspirations for a sustainable future.
                                                         While  shipping is  comparatively  less  polluting than
            The workshop at Monaco Ocean Week resulted in   other modes of transport, there is considerable
            concrete  recommendations  linked  to  four  themes:   room for improvement. Nathalie Hilmi, Section
            science and the environment; institutional and social   Head of Environmental Economics at the Monaco
            matters; economics and finance; and technology. The   Scientific Centre, pointed out that “moving towards
            points raised and recommendations made by each   decarbonisation  requires  concerted  efforts  to
            group are currently being compiled by the organising   explore innovative solutions and adopt cleaner, safer
            team and will form the basis of a solid policy brief to   fuels,  heralding a  new  sustainable era  for  maritime
            be presented at COP 29 in Baku in November 2024.  transport.  Yet  many  obstacles  lie  ahead,  from
                                                         technological  constraints to economic viability  and
                                                         public acceptance. Addressing these challenges
                                                         requires a collaborative spirit that draws  on the
                                                         collective wisdom of stakeholders across all sectors,
                                                         in every geographical area.”
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