Page 33 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 33


                      Purificació  Canals,  President  of  MedPAN,  the   Finally, the possibility of harnessing art and sporting
                      Mediterranean network of marine protected area   achievement  to  encourage  public  engagement  and
                      managers, noted the importance of creating   reconnect more people to the ocean was also raised.
                      a permanent space in which managers and
                      stakeholders can work together to ensure marine   In her closing remarks, renowned marine biologist
                      ecosystems are effectively protected.       Dr  Sylvia Earle, President of the Rolex-supported
                                                                  initiative Mission Blue and National Geographic
                      Vincent Doumeizel, Senior Advisor on Oceans to   Society Explorer-in-Residence, said, “our prosperity
                      the UN Global Compact, highlighted the potential   depends on understanding where we fit in, and how
                      of seaweed to solve multiple crises, growing food   we treat our blue planet.”
                      insecurity and environmental challenges. He called   Addressing the question of how they planned to
                      for a “seaweed revolution” requiring investment and   present their proposals at the plenary session of
                      appropriate regulations to make the industry viable in   UNOC 2025, the moderators wrapped up the event
                      the long term.                              by presenting the roadmap for the Let’s Be Nice to
                                                                  the Ocean initiative, which aims to foster concerted,
                      “We need  a diversity  of  voices and perspectives”,   innovative action to preserve a vital planetary
                      added Minna Epps (IUCN). She stressed the   ecosystem.
                      importance of including everyone’s views in
                      conservation efforts, noting that organisations from
                      Asia and the Pacific were under-represented in the
                      civil society survey carried out by the Varda Group
                      and the Ocean & Climate Platform in 2023 at the
                      request of France and Costa Rica.

                      The participating  specialists included  Guillermo
                      Ortuño, a marine ecologist and contributor to the
                      Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean initiative. He called for
                      urgent action to adapt current regulations to the
                      realities of the ocean, in particular to protect migratory   “Our prosperity depends on
                      species. Francis Staub, from the International Coral   understanding where we fit in, and
                      Reef Initiative, stressed that much more needed to   how we treat our blue planet.”
                      be done to protect coral reefs, with just under 40%   Sylvia Earle, President of the Rolex-
                      of them located in protected and conserved marine   supported initiative Mission Blue and
                      areas , recommending drawing on international   National Geographic Society Explorer-
                      legal instruments. Another topic addressed during
                      the event was the protection of the Earth’s global   in-Residence
                      systems and ‘special systems’.
                      2. Sources: Habitats Ocean+ Platform, 2023.
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