Page 28 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 28


            TOWARDS IPOS
            Creating a new science–

            policy mechanism

            A workshop organised by the Ocean Sustainability Foundation (OSF),

            which is hosted by the CNRS Foundation, to design an effective gateway
            between ocean sciences and policy action on a global scale.

            How can policy-makers make informed decisions   The event, held with the support of the Oceanographic
            to ensure a sustainable blue future? Key global   Institute, Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation,
            ocean governance stakeholders gathered at    the Prince Albert  II of Monaco Foundation and the
            the Oceanographic Museum on the morning of   Monaco Scientific Centre, provided the opportunity to
            19  March  2024  to  discuss  plans  for  co-designing   review the IPOS ecosystem, drawing attention to the
            IPOS (International Panel for Ocean Sustainability), a   latest progress and the difficulties encountered. The
            transdisciplinary interface between ocean knowledge   hosts presented the plans for co-designing this new
            and policy. The question of how to achieve this   gateway connecting ocean knowledge and policy for
            collaborative challenge together was already being   a sustainable ocean. They also spoke about the pilot
            asked by experts meeting in Monaco three years   projects that IPOS wants to implement in crucial fields
            ago  for  the  very  first  IPOS  workshop  and  at  past   such as deep-sea mining, offshore wind, small-scale
            editions of Monaco Ocean Week. One of the major   fisheries and the co-creation of an ‘ocean indicator’
            issues facing this emerging platform is integrating and   to underline the initiative’s added value. Three panel
            consolidating the insights and perspectives of a host   discussions then took a deep dive into key questions
            of different high-level stakeholders on the international   about the future of IPOS.
            stage against such a fragmented backdrop. Its goal
            is to bridge the gap between ocean knowledge and
            decision-making. Olivier Wenden, Vice-President and
            CEO of the Prince Albert  II of Monaco Foundation,   INSIGHT
            sees IPOS as a key player over the coming years in
            achieving the ambitious targets of 30x30, the BBNJ
            Agreement and the Global Plastics Treaty: “We need   “We are not just envisioning a sustainable ocean.
            more transdisciplinary horizontal discussions between   We want to create the pathway to achieve it.”
            existing organisations, which IPOS is crucial for”.   Tanya Brodie Rudolph, international ocean lawyer
            Denis  Allemand,  Director  of  the  Monaco  Scientific   and research fellow (South Africa)
            Centre,  shared  the  inspiring  example  of  the  bluefin
            tuna, which has been saved from extinction thanks to
            the coming together of scientific expertise and policy-
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