Page 23 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 23

                                                        Houssine Nibani, President of the Association for Integrated Resource
                                                        Management (AGIR), presented the progress made in achieving
                                                        conservation objectives in Al Hoceima National Park in Morocco, part of
                                                        which extends out to sea (19,000 hectares). “We have a sufficient amount
                                                        of skilled human resources on the ground. We are working on several
                                                        target species, including the osprey, octopus and seagrass meadows.
                                                        We have involved artisanal fishers as guardians and observers of these
                                                        vulnerable species. They are even asking to help implement no-take
                                                        zones. We also have the support of the Med-Nasse women’s cooperative,
          EXPLORING SOLUTIONS                           who make traditional fish traps. But monitoring illegal trawling near the
          AND AVENUES FOR 2030                          coast creates many problems, including the safety of our eco-guards.”

          “A minority of MPAs are effectively  financed and
          managed,” noted Romain Renoux, Executive Director
          of The MedFund, a sustainable financial mechanism
          that currently supports 20 MPAs in 9 Mediterranean
          countries with funding exceeding 6 million euros and
          intends to double its targets by 2030.
          The roadmap also includes attracting new
          stakeholders – like Nice City Council, which is
          planning a new marine protected area all along the
          city’s coastline, from the mouth of the Var River
          to the Cap de Nice, that will therefore tackle the
          human-driven pressures of coastal developments
          like Nice airport and port.  “The planned  zone will
          also encompass an offshore area flanked by the Var
          and  Paillon submarine  canyons,  which  are  already
          in the  Pelagos Sanctuary.  We  see  this  project  as
          a testing ground  for  SDG  14,” explained Aurore   © Med MPA forum
          Asso, Councillor at Nice City Council.  “We are
          using the  science-based  Systematic  Conservation
          Planning approach and taking time to establish the
          project within civil society, through a long process of   10 YEARS OF ACTION IN THE CAP D’ADGE MPA
          consultation”, she continued, before mentioning the
          hope of seeing the return of angelsharks to the aptly   “We have links with other local council services. The Cap d’Adge
          named Bay of Angels.                          MPA, 310 hectares of which are highly protected off the coast of this
          The urban marine reserves of Larvotto and Spélugues   town that has 30,000 inhabitants, is seen as one element of a global
          in Monaco, which are managed by the Monegasque   management project”,  explained the town’s Director of the Marine
          Association for the Protection of Nature (AMPN), are   Environment, Renaud Dupuy de la Grandrive, as he presented their
          also engaged in the new roadmap: “We value links   offices located in a floating building containing boats, technical
          with other Mediterranean MPAs”, said Jacqueline   and diving equipment and a meeting room, among other spaces.
          Gautier-Debernardi, Director of AMPN, which works   Their work includes the scientific monitoring of Posidonia seagrass,
          actively with the Principality’s stakeholders, raising   coralligenous habitats,  cetaceans  and  seabirds,  reef  restoration,
          awareness in hotels, organising participatory science   awareness raising and environmental education.
          initiatives, studying ecosystem services and so on.

          The Mediterranean Posidonia Network aims to
          protect 100% of Posidonia seagrass by 2030.
          “40% of Posidonia is in MPAs. To protect it outside
          those areas, we need to convince policy-makers.
          Our goal is to have an inclusive network”, explained
          Frédéric Villers, Mediterranean Coastal Uses Officer
          at the French Biodiversity Agency, closing the MPA
          meeting’s second panel discussion.

                                                         © Renaud Dupuy de la Grandrive
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