Page 21 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 21
What are some of the future challenges facing Round-table discussions were held with many local
the Pelagos Sanctuary? stakeholders during the stopovers to explore key
The sanctuary has many long-term stakeholders: a cetacean conservation issues and needs in the
secretariat, NGOs, marine protected areas (MPAs) region and the prospects for collaborative action.
and private-sector initiatives, for example. The Outreach activities for children and the general
ingredients are all there. What we need now, I think, public were also organised. Finally, a documentary
is greater cooperation and coordination between the on the expedition was produced and will be widely
different stakeholders and entities. Cooperation is distributed to explain the challenges of cetacean
often too irregular and limited to particular projects. conservation in the Pelagos Sanctuary.
The framework needed to foster long-term action and MIRACETI has also run the TURSMED programme
lasting cooperation is lacking. The secretariat of the in French Mediterranean waters since 2018, in
Pelagos Agreement facilitates interaction between partnership with the French Biodiversity Agency. It
the three signatory countries, but not enough aims to strengthen the role of MPAs in monitoring
between stakeholders. The will and the initiatives are and protecting common bottlenose dolphins by
there. We have to stop them operating in isolation developing standardised scientific monitoring
and start sharing the same goals. That’s our main techniques, a shared database and a tool to
challenge going forward, I think, and a forum like this, assess cetacean conservation needs. These tools
where stakeholders can come together, exchange help MPA managers in the French Mediterranean
ideas and develop partnerships, is a step in the right identify and prioritise protection measures in their
direction. area, regardless of how much information or data
We also need stricter management of human they possess. The programme could serve as an
activities in the sanctuary, with greater coordination inspiration to the entire Pelagos area.
between the three countries, as set out in the
agreement. It must be done legally and we must also Why is monitoring the common bottlenose
encourage local stakeholders – for example whale- dolphin in the Mediterranean particularly
watching tour operators, tourism and fishing industry important in terms of cetacean conservation?
players, commercial shipping companies and MPA The common bottlenose dolphin is one of two
managers – to voluntarily make the switch to more cetacean species listed in Annex II of the EU Habitats
virtuous practices. Directive, for which countries must designate special
areas of conservation (SAC). In the Mediterranean,
Can you tell us about MIRACETI’s flagship it is the only species with this status, which enables
programme to protect cetaceans in the Pelagos MPAs to implement protection measures that benefit
Sanctuary? all marine life. Also, common bottlenose dolphins are
We set up the Explore Pelagos project with the primarily found in continental shelf waters, so they
support of the Pelagos Initiative. Its aim is to protect are abundant near the coast. Since most MPAs are
cetaceans in the Pelagos Sanctuary by improving coastal, these dolphins are the main cetacean there.
knowledge of the populations it is home to, flagging
conservation priorities and disseminating scientific Does the Pelagos Sanctuary set an international
data to inform conservation and public awareness example?
initiatives. The idea is to get all the relevant stake- Nowhere else in the world can you find an area of this
holders on board and working together. MIRACETI size dedicated to protecting cetaceans, governed
conducted a three-week scientific expedition in the by three countries and containing waters beyond
Pelagos Sanctuary in October 2023, making four national jurisdiction. So yes, you could say it sets an
stopovers along the way (in Monaco, Genoa, Bastia international example.
© arthouse studio -
and Sainte-Maxime). Data on cetacean species and
human activities in the area was collected on the way.