Page 16 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 16


            Sylvie Goulard, Co-Chair of the International Advisory   SESSION 3.
            Panel on Biodiversity Credits, presented the global   THE ROLE OF THE
            initiative to create new financial products for nature,   MEDITERRANEAN SEA
            launched by France and the United Kingdom in June
            2023, to help countries, project leaders and the private   IN ACHIEVING 30X30
            sector achieve the Global Biodiversity Framework   “The Mediterranean Sea contributes substantially
            targets.                                     to  regulating climate  patterns  and  maintaining
                                                         biodiversity. At the same time, the Mediterranean
            In addition,  tried-and-tested offshore  oil and gas   Basin has immense potential for the blue economy
            experience and technology is being leveraged to   sector”, said Christos Stylianides, Minister of Maritime
            develop more sustainable marine energies, explained   Affairs and Insular Policy of the Hellenic Republic,
            Francesco Prazzo of holding company SBM Offshore,   in his opening keynote address. To overcome the
            which is designing and building floating wind farms.  multiple challenges facing this area characterised
            Lastly, a combination of incentives and regulatory   by  intense  activity  and  significant  socio-economic
            obligations is required to drive change, especially   and geopolitical disparities, collaborative marine
            in  the  fields  of  shipping  (the  MSC  Foundation  has   spatial planning based on rigorous science is vitally
            established a super coral nursery in the Bahamas)   important.  “Working together to address  common
            and fisheries. Olivier Le Nézet, President of the French   challenges at sea, such as threats to biodiversity and
            National Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture Committee   the freedom of navigation, illegal and unregulated
            (CNPMEM), drew  attention to the  EU’s exemplary   fishing, environmental degradation and cross-border
            management  in  this  field  and  the  need  to  replicate   crime, is the only way forward.  Our vision for the
            their model in other seas around the world. “Climate   Mediterranean Sea is one of hope, resilience, and
            change is also altering the geopolitics of resource   shared  prosperity”, concluded the Greek Minister
            exploitation,” Le Nézet explained. “The challenge lies   after presenting the GR-Eco Islands project, a
            in ensuring that resource exploitation is sustainable for   governmental initiative aimed at turning the Greek
            the ocean as well as for populations.”       islands into sustainable models of energy autonomy,
                                                         digital innovation and ecological mobility.
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