Page 19 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 19


                                                      “A central theme emerged from this event: improving MPA
                                                      management in the Pelagos Sanctuary. Protecting these
                                                      cradles of biodiversity, these marine nurseries, is not only an
                                                      environmental obligation, it is a moral imperative, our duty to
                                                      future generations.”
                                                      Pierre-Jean Clausse, European Climate Pact Ambassador
                                                      in France

                                                       FOUR PRIORITY TOPICS
          “The Pelagos Agreement plus the recent BBNJ Treaty
          gives us a three-country agreement to protect a large   The  opening talks were  followed by collaborative
          section of our ocean and the pelagic ecosystem of   workshops  for  participants  to  share  their  views  and
          the Mediterranean, potentially setting an example for   approaches, build a common vision of the future and
          other open seas and cross-border areas inhabited   agree on concrete action, and sometimes solutions.
          by  migratory  species,  such as  the  Coral Triangle   The forum highlighted a number of critical challenges,         © Marta Sostres
          in South-East Asia”,  explained  Purificació  Canals,   inspirational ideas and opportunities, including:
          President  of  MedPAN,  the  Mediterranean  network
          of marine protected area managers. This view was   1/ Improving marine protected area management
          echoed by Alessio Satta, Executive Director at   in the Pelagos Sanctuary: using these MPAs as
          WWF Mediterranean, who stressed that despite   a  testing  ground  for  marine  spatial  planning  and
          the problems to be solved,  “we set an example  to   regulations, empowering managers to issue fines and
          other seas around the world”. Next, Laurence Boetti-  introducing innovative monitoring technologies;
          Forestier, Regional Councillor for Cross-Border
          Relations, noted that the region is  “a model for   2/  Building  a  sustainable  fishing  industry  by
          environmental planning in Europe”, boasting a zero   banning trawling, establishing a no-take corridor
          plastic initiative, Clean Harbours certification and the   in  the  Pelagos  Sanctuary  based  on  scientific  data,
          recently established Parliament of the Sea, among   introducing a moratorium on certain species and
          other achievements. Geoffroy Chatelard, Head of   encouraging efforts to rebuild fish stocks (for example,
          Wealth Management Marketing at UBS Monaco &   using artificial reefs made from organic materials);
          Iberia, described the area, whose waters span three
          neighbouring  countries  (France,  Monaco  and  Italy)   3/ Alleviating noise pollution by immediately
          and  are  home  to  eight  species  of  Mediterranean   introducing speed limits (< 10 knots) in territorial waters
          marine mammals, as “our garden”.             (within 12 nautical miles of the coast), equipping boats
                                                       with ‘black boxes’, a ground-breaking way to monitor
          Twenty-five  years  after  the  Pelagos  Agreement   and analyse noise pollution, distributing navigation
          first  came  into  existence,  defining  the  area  for   charts that clearly mark the boundaries of the Pelagos
          conservation and establishing a framework for its   Sanctuary and recommend speed limits, and creating a
          cross-border governance, a series of opening talks   network that includes the recreational and competitive
          at  the  forum  reflected  on  the  current  situation  and   sailing communities;
          reaffirmed  the  main  conservation  goals  in  what
          Maher Mahjoub, Director of the IUCN Centre for   4/ Leveraging sustainable tourism to devise new
          Mediterranean Cooperation, described as  “an   funding mechanisms, such as eco-taxes levied on
          exceptional marine environment and sanctuary of   tourist activities (as seen in Greece and the Seychelles)
          biodiversity, from plankton to cetaceans”. He pointed   or payments for ecosystem services.
          out the sanctuary’s designation in 2002 as a Specially
          Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI)   These productive discussions on tomorrow’s
          under  the  Barcelona  Convention,  “so that it may   challenges underlined our collective responsibility for
          safeguard  habitats  that are crucial to endangered   protecting an exceptional marine environment which,
          species,  as  an  area  of  scientific,  aesthetic,  cultural   despite seeing intense human activity, provides a home
          and  educational  value”. In addition, noted Viola   to almost every species of marine mammal found in
          Cattani, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Pelagos   the Mediterranean.
          Agreement, it “has fostered other important initiatives,
          like the creation of a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
          that  stretches  from  north-east Spain  to  north-west
          Italy,  covering the  Pelagos Sanctuary.  This official
          PSSA  designation in 2023 was  a significant step
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