Page 22 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 22


            Roadmap for 2030

            Hosted by MedPAN, the Mediterranean marine conservation community met

            to take joint action to tackle the challenges facing the Mediterranean Sea under
            the banner “Because marine protected areas are everyone’s business”.

            From NGOs and scientists to international    The ‘Road to 2030’ MPA roadmap features a set
            organisations and local initiatives, all the stakeholders   of objectives, along with the recommendations,
            on the ground count in the management of marine   strategies and actions needed to achieve them, the
            protected areas (MPAs), a central concern at Monaco   aim being to mobilise, align and coordinate efforts
            Ocean Week. Even though the Barcelona Convention   by all the different stakeholders to meet marine
            and the European Union respectively provide   conservation targets. The future of one of the world’s
            Mediterranean countries with a regional framework   hotspots – in terms of biodiversity abundance,
            and  sub-regional  cohesion,  the  implementation  of   economic activities, anthropogenic pressures and
            policies, strategies and actions to protect the marine   climate change impacts – is at stake. To mobilise
            environment varies considerably across the region. In   the support of the key stakeholders, a new call for
            addition, MPA coverage in the Mediterranean varies   commitment will be announced soon.
            significantly from one country to another and between
            the northern and southern shores. The effective   “The creation and  management of MPAs  doesn’t
            management of these marine protected areas, which   rely on a personal vision but a collective  one. The
            is exacerbated by Mediterranean, European and   roadmap  enables  us  to  hear  every  stakeholder’s
            international marine biodiversity conservation targets,   opinion”,  said  Purificació  Canals,  President  of
            remains a challenge.                         MedPAN, in her opening address at the meeting held
                                                         at the Oceanographic Museum on 21 March 2024.
                                                         The first panel discussion assessed the Mediterranean
            THE MEDITERRANEAN                            situation:  different  protocols,  specific  action  plans
            SITUATION                                    (such as those spearheaded by the SPA/RAC
                                                         to manage vulnerable species), MPA categories
            In 2012, the Mediterranean Marine Protected Area   (national  status,  Natura  2000,  Pelagos  Sanctuary),
            Forum community developed the first MPA roadmap   collaboration tools, etc. “Since 2016, there has been
            for the region to create a common agenda. In 2021,   no change in strictly protected marine protected
            an update led to a new roadmap for the coming   areas, which represent only 0.04% of seas. The
            decade. The real value of this publication is that it   target is 10% of seas strictly  protected  by  2030”,
            becomes a ‘living document’ that helps achieve   noted Susan Gallon, Scientific Manager at MedPAN.
            the targets and outcomes set at international and   Feedback from several MPAs was then presented.
            regional level, not least other effective area-based
            conservation measures (OECM) in the Mediterranean.
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