Page 27 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 27


          mechanisms requiring the agreement of Indigenous   When we talk about the risks associated with deep-
          peoples and  local communities,  for example to   sea mining, we often talk about nodules. In reality,
          access or use marine genetic resources on the   the extraction of  sulphides and  ferromanganese
          continental shelf; and there can be overlaps between   involves even greater environmental risks.
          climate law and the law of the sea. The law of the
          sea is set to evolve due to the coexistence of other   Are hydrocarbons not included in those
          laws that are equally important. We are only just   categories?
          discovering how these areas of law interact. At this   To date,  oil  and  gas  can’t  be  extracted  in  the
          point in time we are seeing an increasing diversity of   common heritage of humanity area, but only from
          stakeholders and issues and the growth of seabed   the seabed  under national jurisdiction, as is the
          operations. The future of the law of the sea will be   case for diamonds, sand, phosphates, etc. That
          marked by these complementarity challenges.  could change.

          Where are we up to in terms of implementation?   What jurisdiction applies to ecological damage
          Currently, there are plans to commence mining   caused by deep-sea mining activity?
          operations on the continental shelf  in the Area in   For the environmental impact on the water column,
          the short to medium term. I remain convinced that   the  regime  of  the  high  seas  or  of  the  EEZ  is
          the continental shelf will provide the most benefit   applicable. The seabed  comes under a different
          for mineral resource mining from a financial point   legal regime. Between 12 and  350 nautical miles
          of  view.  But  we don’t  yet  know  how  to go about   from the shore, the regime of the continental
          sharing any financial benefits fairly: no clear   shelf  applies.  Beyond  national  jurisdiction,  the
          payment mechanism has been adopted to date,   regime of the Area applies. In all cases, the marine
          either for operations on the continental shelf or   environment enjoys a broad spectrum of protection
          in the  Area.  We are  at  the  pre-operational  stage   and conservation obligations and the recently
          where diverging  interests  and  rights  are  being   adopted BBNJ  Agreement will have a role to play.
          asserted, whether by the operators or Indigenous
          communities (claiming cultural rights over the   Will the next step be to harmonise these
          seabed). Society is questioning the environmental   approaches?
          impact and economic justification, how the value   The BBNJ Agreement supports an ecosystem
          of the resources will be determined, what mining   approach and  erases the artificial separation
          methods will be used, how the resources will be   between  the continental shelves  and  the  Area,
          redistributed, etc.                        and  between the water  column  and  the seabed.
                                                     The  environmental  impact  research  it  requires
          What minerals are involved when we talk about   is  applicable  across  borders,  which  will  allow
          deep-sea mining?                           for  greater  consistency  in the  protection  and
          We need to be very careful with this term because   conservation of the marine environment.
          it doesn’t specify where exactly the activities take
          place. It usually includes mineral resources, but not   1.The Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of
          always. The term generally applies to three types   the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological
                                                     Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, adopted in 2023.
          of mineral resources: 1/ polymetallic nodules (which
          just have to be picked up); 2/ hydrothermal sulphides
          (which have to be extracted). These minerals are
          discharged from ‘chimneys’ in subduction zones,
          where specific organisms have developed; this leads
          to a conflict of interest between mineral extraction,
          exploitation of biodiversity and conservation;
          3/ ferromanganese crusts (concretions that require
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