Page 26 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 26

How do we reach agreement on the use of deep ocean resources? At a time
                                                        when seabed mining is raising significant geopolitical, financial, scientific,
                                                        industrial and military questions, the ocean floor is an emerging topic in the
                                                        world of international law and the law of the sea. This was the theme of the
                                                        masterclass given by Virginie Tassin Campanella, attorney-at-law (Paris
                                                        and Zurich bar), Founder and Managing Director of international marine law
                                                        firm VTA Tassin and Editor of the Routledge Handbook on Seabed Mining
                                                        and the Law of the Sea (2024). This pioneer and expert in the field gives her
                                                        insights into these questions that are crucial for the future of part of the ocean
                                                        that has long fallen under the radar where the law is concerned.

            In law, we often lag behind. What is the situation   Is the notion of ‘ecological damage’ part of this
            with the deep seabed?                       legal mechanism?
            It so happens that in the case of deep-sea mineral   Absolutely,  except  that  in  the  law  of  the  sea,  we
            resources we are ahead of the game! These   don’t refer to ‘ecological damage’. Damage to
            resources have not yet begun to be mined, but the   the marine environment and its resources, as
            law has been developed in advance. At the end of   defined by UNCLOS 1982, takes into consideration
            World War II, coastal states started laying claim to   ‘substantial pollution of or significant and harmful
            the mineral resources in the seabed close to their   changes to the marine environment’.
            shores. It started in 1945 with US President Truman,
            then a number of Latin American countries followed   What is the next step as far as the law pertaining
            suit. Given the growing interest in seabed resources,   to the deep sea is concerned?
            mainly oil, the international community developed   When the 1982 Convention was adopted, the
            an international legal framework to regulate access   principle  of  the  common  heritage  of  humanity,
            to mineral resources and so promote peace.   as  defined  in  the  Convention,  was  highly
                                                        contested by developed  nations and  there was
            When people grasped the potential of new    widespread  concern  surrounding  the  ratification
            mineral resources in the 1970s, the states   of the Convention. An agreement relating to the
            involved  renegotiated  an agreement  – the 1982   implementation of  that  Convention was drawn up
            United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea   in  1994.  This  agreement  changed  a  lot  of  things,
            (UNCLOS)  –  this  time  covering  all  parts  of  the   in  particular  the  balance  of  power  within  the
            ocean, including those beyond national jurisdiction.   International Seabed Authority. There is an urgent
            A new marine area encompassing the deep seabed   need to resolve the legal challenges posed by the
            was created, known simply as the ‘Area’, where the   implementation of that agreement.
            resources  are  the common heritage of  humanity.
            In this area shared by all, individual states have   More generally, huge challenges relating to the way
            no  jurisdiction  or  sovereign  rights,  either  over  the   the law of the sea will be applied in conjunction
            seabed or its resources. States have therefore   with other branches of law and rights are looming.
            always been ahead of the game: they incorporated   There is, for example, the human right to a healthy
            as yet unexploited resources into international law.  environment;  also in environmental law, there are
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