Page 30 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 30


                      GREAT BLUE WALL
                      Towards an Afro-Pacific

                      Blue Economy

                      The round-table event hosted by the Great Blue Wall initiative during
                      Monaco Ocean Week provided a unique platform to pave the way for

                      new Afro-Pacific partnerships for a regenerative blue economy.

                      Bringing together multi-sectoral experts from across   How  can the  role  of  the ‘Tropical  Majority’  and
                      the  Afro-Pacific,  this  event  laid  the  foundations  for   stakeholders from the Global South, who manage
                      impact-focused collaborations, as well as for projects   vast ocean territories, be strengthened? How can
                      and new policies prioritising blue justice and the   the transition from traditional blue economy models
                      regenerative blue economy. Held at Monaco Yacht   to  regenerative,  equitable  practices  be  fostered?
                      Club on 19 March 2024 with the aim of accelerating   Moderated by Alexis Grosskopf, CEO and co-
                      procedures, the event showcased the insights behind   founder  of  OceanHub  Africa  (the  first  pan-African
                      the  Great Blue  Wall  initiative  from  both  the African   ocean impact incubator and accelerator in Africa),
                      continent and the Global South: the shared ambitions   this event provided a platform for fostering extensive
                      regarding conserving critical blue ecosystems,   Afro-Pacific  cooperation  and  facilitating  dialogue
                      transforming economies and empowering coastal   and leadership in regenerative ocean management.
                      populations.                                Following a presentation of the Great Blue Wall
                                                                  Initiative, two round-table sessions on the regenerative
                                                                  blue economy centred on fisheries and on building a
                                                                  framework for this new kind of economy.


                      The Great Blue Wall is a West Indian Ocean-born, African-driven response to the triple planetary
                      crisis. Launched in 2021, its aim is to unlock unprecedented nature-based recovery efforts by
                      implementing procedures for socio-ecological, economic and political resilience. Its objective is
                      to create a connected network of regenerative seascapes linked by a living ‘blue wall’ that acts
                      as a regional ecological corridor formed of conserved and restored critical blue ecosystems such
                      as mangroves, seagrasses and corals. This buffer against the impacts of climate change and
                      biodiversity loss will also shelter coastal communities who can become guardians of the ocean.
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