Page 29 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 29



          Opening the first panel, Loreley Picourt of the Ocean &
          Climate Platform emphasised the importance of a two-
          way dialogue between scientists and policy-makers.
          Emerging values, such as inclusiveness and demand-
          driven  governance,  have  been  identified  and  these
          will guide the co-design of IPOS. Charlina Vitcheva
          (DG MARE, the European Commission’s Directorate-
          General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) stressed
          the importance of acting on the best available science
          when making policy decisions. Peter Haugan shared
          some useful examples of how experts can engage
          with heads of state and policy-makers, highlighting
          the need to provide concrete recommendations for   MAXIMISING COOPERATION
          achieving a sustainable ocean.              WITH EXISTING INITIATIVES
          Minna Epps (Director of the Global Marine and
          Polar Programme, IUCN) spoke of IPOS’s role as an   The last panel focused on the future governance,
          intermediary, making complex science accessible   hosting structure and legal organisation of IPOS.
          to policy-makers, and underlined the importance of   Ashok  Adicéam  (French  government)  highlighted
          making consultation and inclusiveness integral to the   the responsibility of governments at the science-
          mechanism from the outset.                  policy interface and the need to ensure that IPOS
                                                      has the support of a large number of countries by
                                                      the UN Ocean Conference 2025 (UNOC), following
          RECONCILING EFFECTIVENESS                   the example of EU leaders and 2025 conference
          AND LEGITIMACY                              co-hosts, France and Costa Rica. Henrik Enevoldsen
                                                      (IOC-UNESCO)  underlined  that  effectiveness,
          With time of the essence for ecosystem restoration, as   legitimacy and acceptance will always depend on the
          Patricia Ricard (Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute)   social contract IPOS has with member states. David
          pointed out, reconciling international agendas, policy   Obura (IPBES) stressed the importance of maintaining
          mandates  and  regional  schedules  must  be  at  the   independence between governance and science to
          heart of the process. Laura Pereira (University of the   ensure that policy is relevant, not restrictive. Hans-
          Witwatersrand) put forward the idea of creating a   Otto Pörtner (Alfred Wegener Institute) suggested that
          centralised knowledge system, providing access to   IPOS focus on regional data to fill gaps in sustainability
          not just academic science, but also other sources like   assessment. Geneviève Pons (Jacques Delors
          marginalised voices, the humanities and the arts. The   Institute) shared the experience of the Starfish mission
          need for better access to knowledge for Global South   to restore  the ocean, proposing an international
          negotiators was highlighted by Charles Goddard   transdisciplinary approach for IPOS.
          (Economist Impact).  In  addition,  private  sector
          engagement must be based on precise indicators and   Participants agreed unanimously on one priority: the
          global standards that deliver on ocean sustainability,   co-design of this ocean platform needs to enter an
          emphasised Erik Giercksky (UN Global Compact).  acceleration phase.
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