Page 32 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 32


                      Let's Be Nice

                      to the Ocean

                                         What if protecting the ocean became the norm

                                         rather than the exception? The Let’s Be Nice to
                                         the Ocean initiative convened experts and long-
                                         standing ocean advocates to brainstorm ways

                                         to preserve and restore the health of our seas

                      in preparation for the third UN Ocean Conference (UNOC),
                      scheduled to take place in Nice in June 2025.

                      This round-table discussion held in the Novotel’s   Moderated  by  Rémi  Parmentier,  coordinator  of  the
                      conference room on Wednesday 20 March 2024   Let’s Be Nice to the Ocean initiative and Director of the
                      focused on the proposals put forward in the ‘Let’s   Varda Group, and Loreley Picourt, Executive Director
                      Be Nice to the Ocean’ report, published in November   of the Ocean & Climate Platform, the discussion
                      2023 on a digital platform of the same name.   covered a wide range of topics linked to the ocean
                      Participants were also invited to examine civil society   Protection Principle, a paradigm shift presented in the
                      initiatives and outreach opportunities, and identify   report.
                      the next steps on the road to UNOC 2025. The key
                      question was: how can we create a more mindful   André Abreu of the Tara Ocean Foundation stressed
                      world that takes greater care of the ocean?  the  importance of  the work  accomplished  since
                                                                  the Rio+20 Summit in 2012, which has created a
                      “Making ocean protection the norm rather than the   more fertile space for ocean and climate protection.
                      exception  is  very  much in line with  what  we  are   Nevertheless, he cautioned, “more funding and inputs
                      trying to  achieve”, declared Olivier Wenden, Vice-  are needed for the proposed transformation and for
                      President and CEO of the Prince Albert II of Monaco   innovative science to support new ocean governance
                      Foundation, in his opening speech. He reaffirmed the   models”.
                      Foundation’s commitment to protecting the ocean
                      and called for a bold and innovative approach to
                      addressing the current challenges.
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