Page 20 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 20


                                                                       Hélène Labach
                                                                       Marine biologist specialising in the common
                                                                       bottlenose dolphin and Director of MIRACETI,
                                                                       a Mediterranean association formed through
                                                                       the merging of three pre-existing organisations
                                                                       and now recognised for its extensive,
                                                                       multidisciplinary expertise in the study
                                                                       and conservation of cetaceans.

            What has the Pelagos Sanctuary achieved in its   How would you define the unique impact of the
            25-year history?                             Pelagos Sanctuary?
            The Pelagos Sanctuary is a pioneering area that   The Pelagos Sanctuary acts as a catalyst for
            has expanded our knowledge of  Mediterranean   projects, either directly or because it attracts
            cetaceans and enabled targeted regulations to   investors  and  project  leaders.  As  a  result,  more
            be introduced, like the ban on approaching the   projects are developed within the sanctuary, which
            mammals within a distance of 100 meters in   then  inspire  and  benefit  neighbouring  regions.
            French marine protected areas, a measure that   Certain conservation measures were piloted inside
            has been extended to all territorial waters in the   the sanctuary before being rolled out nationally.
            Mediterranean. The sanctuary was also the driving   But  once  measures  have  been  implemented  at
            force behind measures like the High Quality Whale-  national or regional level, the sanctuary’s role in
            Watching  Certificate  developed  by  ACCOBAMS,   driving regulation becomes less obvious. This is
            the agreement on the conservation of cetaceans   particularly  true  because  no  specific  regulations
            in  the  Mediterranean  Sea  and  Black  Sea.   govern  the  sanctuary  itself,  as  it  is  not  strictly
            Furthermore, under French biodiversity law, it is   speaking a marine protected area or national
            now mandatory for all vessels over 24 meters long   park. The term ‘sanctuary’ is misleading: people
            entering the Pelagos Sanctuary or Agoa Sanctuary   hear  ‘sanctuary’  and  imagine  a  place  where
            in the French West Indies more than 10 times a year   everything is banned, whereas it is actually a three-
            to have an anti-collision system installed. Another   country agreement. So the sanctuary’s impact is
            measure  instigated  by  the  Pelagos  Agreement  is   considerable, but not always visible.
            the ban on or limiting of offshore speedboat racing
            in different parts of the sanctuary.
            Cetacean research in the sanctuary has developed
            significantly.  Here  at  MIRACETI,  we  frequently   The Pelagos Initiative, launched in 2021, also
            carry  out  work  in  the  sanctuary,  which  since  the   announced a new call for projects focusing on
            2000s  has  generated  much  scientific  research   climate change and its impact on the Pelagos
            and  fostered  measures  to  preserve  and  protect   Sanctuary, in partnership with the UBS Optimus
            cetaceans.                                     Foundation, UBS Monaco and the Prince Albert II
                                                           of Monaco Foundation.
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