Page 18 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 18


            PELAGOS FORUM
            A new chapter for the

            Pelagos Sanctuary

                                                                               “More than 100 of us have come here from France,
                                                                               Italy and the Principality to exchange  ideas and
                                                                               shape  the  future  of  the  Pelagos  Sanctuary”,  said
                                                                               Philippe  Mondielli,  Scientific  Director  of  the  Prince
                                                                               Albert  II of Monaco Foundation, as he opened this
                                                                               day-long event at the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel &
                The second Pelagos Forum, supported by                         Resort  on  19  March  2024.  Scientists  and  fishers
                the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation,                     gathered alongside representatives from government
                                                                               agencies, intergovernmental organisations and
                   brought together over 100 stakeholders                      Mediterranean conservation groups to write a new
                                                                               chapter in their collective efforts to protect migratory
                           involved in protecting the Pelagos                  species that cross international borders. Although on

            Sanctuary for cetaceans and who shared the                         paper it is the largest marine protected area in the
                                                                               Mediterranean, the Pelagos Sanctuary is actually a
              ambition for the reserve to become a global                      patchwork of areas with varying levels of protection.
                                                                               Participants applied their knowledge and expertise
                              model for marine conservation.                   to  four  critical  topics  identified  at  last  year’s  forum:
                                                                               increasing the sanctuary’s highly protected areas,
                                                                               improving  sustainable  fishing  practices,  reducing
                                                                               noise pollution and promoting sustainable tourism.
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