Page 13 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 13


           HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco alongside Dr Mahlet Naomi Mesfin (USA), Minister Jean-François Ferrari
           (Republic of Seychelles) and Bud Darr (Swiss group MSC).

          hoc initiatives  to  protect  exceptional ecosystems   Jean-François Ferrari, the Minister for Fisheries and
          and endangered species. Now there is a global   the  Blue  Economy  of  the  Republic  of  Seychelles,
          movement.  And  there is  growing awareness  of  the   corroborated the content of the Monegasque
          fact that the ocean is not just another piece of the   Prince’s speech and stated that “the Seychelles has
          puzzle for our future, but that it holds within it most   accomplished a lot in terms of ocean conservation
          of the keys that will determine this future, from the   and sustainable development in a short time”.  He
          climate to biodiversity, from food to health, from peace   added,  “more than two  thirds  of  our archipelago’s
          to the economy.” After listing the pivotal steps forward   economy depends on the surrounding ocean and is
          made in terms of international commitments and law,   vulnerable to pollution, overfishing and the devastating
          the Sovereign Prince nevertheless acknowledged   effects  of climate change”. The Seychelles Marine
          that  “this  progress  has  not yet  been  enough to   Spatial Plan now covers the entire 1.37 million square
          reverse the trend of degradation – and sometimes   kilometers of the country’s exclusive economic zone,
          even  destruction  –  of  our  ocean. On  the  contrary,   including  the Joint  Management Area  shared with
          for 15 years these disturbing trends have continued,   Mauritius, and is built on an inclusive, collaborative
          year after year, and the findings of scientists are still   approach that brings together all stakeholders.
          extremely alarming”.  The  Head  of  State  urged  the   “This has enabled the country to fulfil its national
          ocean community to redouble  efforts to make the   and international commitments as we have already
          voice of the ocean heard at upcoming international   exceeded the 30x30 target,” pointed out the Minister
          meetings  and  confirm  the  urgency  to  take  action   from the Indian Ocean.
          based on acquired knowledge.
                                                      Mobilising the expertise of the key stakeholders
          In addition to the three Monaco Blue Initiative panel   in ocean conservation and governance, the blue
          discussions, the programme featured speeches from   economy  and  finance,  politics  and  civil  society,  the
          representatives of the governments of the Seychelles,   Monaco Blue Initiative once again offered an
          China, Portugal, Belgium and Greece, who took turns   invaluable space for discussion and collaboration that
          to review the ocean-positive shift their respective   heralded an ocean-positive future.
          countries have made.
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