Page 12 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
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            Global ocean governance:

            the big review

            Held under the high patronage of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco,
            the 15th edition of the Monaco Blue Initiative reviewed the global

            movement tackling the major ocean issues since 2010. Drawing on the
            lessons learned from the progress and the setbacks, it set out the urgent

            action needed to face emerging challenges in the coming decade.

            Monaco Ocean Week opened on 18 March 2024 in   on Fisheries Subsidies and the creation of marine
            the Conference Room of the Oceanographic Museum   protected areas (MPAs) to help achieve the 30x30
            of Monaco. A host of high-level panellists, including   target. Discussions also focused on emerging
            senior civil servants and political figures, took part in   challenges, such as protecting the Southern Ocean,
            the latest edition of this leading event. Representing   deep-sea mining and the effective management of
            the  global  ocean  community  were  more  than  160   MPAs.
            participants from Africa, Asia, North and South
            America, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and the   During HSH Prince Albert  II of Monaco’s welcome
            island countries of the Indian Ocean, Caribbean and   address to open the 2024 edition of the Monaco Blue
            South Pacific.                               Initiative, an event co-hosted by the Prince Albert II
                                                         of Monaco Foundation and the Oceanographic
            One of the main messages of the review is that the   Institute, he spoke about the chapter in history being
            ocean has better recognition and protection today, as   written for the ocean: “In 15 years, our determination
            evidenced by the achievement of decisive milestones   has strengthened and the battle for sea and ocean
            such as the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and   protection has not only changed in scale, it has
            Cryosphere, BBNJ Agreement, Kunming-Montreal   also changed in nature. There used to be just a few
            Global Biodiversity Framework, WTO Agreement   enthusiasts  who  advocated  for  the  sea,  a  few  ad
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