Page 17 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 17


          The  Mediterranean’s  future  depends  partly  on   OCEAN UPDATES
          innovative projects like these that are contributing to
          the effective protection of 30% of the world’s land,   The final session of the conference provided updates
          waters and seas by 2030. This session explored the   on ongoing multilateral processes and upcoming
          conditions for ensuring the success of 30x30 in the   events:  the  final  stretch  for  the  legally  binding
          Mediterranean, spotlighting the role of marine spatial   international treaty on plastic pollution that could enter
          planning and economic stakeholders.         into force by 2025; the hot topic of the ratification of
                                                      the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies, which
          The panellists agreed on the importance of   needs  further  ratifications  and  a  better  balance
          effective,  sustainable  marine  spatial  planning  in   between countries in the North and South; and the
          the Mediterranean. The sea is bordered by 22   ambitions of the 9th Our Ocean Conference in Athens
          coastal states with overlapping exclusive economic   in April 2024 and of the UN Ocean Conference
          zones, which leads to disagreements that hamper   (UNOC) in Nice in June 2025, which Olivier Poivre
          cooperation,  explained Karmenu  Vella, Advisor   d’Arvor, Special Envoy of the President of France for
          in the Maltese Ministry of Foreign and European   UNOC, spoke of as potential nightmares. But in light
          Affairs  and  Trade.  Working  from  robust  scientific   of the growing mobilisation of the ocean community,
          data to improve the management and effectiveness   the scenario of a broken world and a ruined ocean is
          of existing MPAs and create additional high-quality   already fading, suggested Olivier Wenden and Robert
          MPAs should be the priority, commented François   Calcagno, senior representatives of the Prince Albert II
          Houllier, CEO of Ifremer. Meanwhile, Dona Bertarelli,   of Monaco Foundation and the Oceanographic
          Co-Chair of the Bertarelli Foundation, highlighted the   Museum, in their closing speeches.
          disparity that,  “some countries have 18 categories
          of marine protected area, while the IUCN Guidelines
          only defines 6 categories of protection”. “Scaling up
          requires  the  regional imbalance  to  be  corrected”,
          said the moderator, Maher Mahjoub, pointing out
          that  97%  of MPAs  are  currently  located  in  the
          northern Mediterranean.  “Marine spatial planning is
          an important tool for achieving target 3 of the Global
          Biodiversity  Framework,  particularly in a context
          requiring cross-border cooperation”, he suggested.

          The panellists unanimously agreed on the need for
          better gathering of and more efficient sharing of data,
          less polarisation and more cooperation between
          environmentalists and economic stakeholders and
          improved communication about  the economic
          benefits  of  marine  protection,  among  other  topics.
          They  also  called  for  the  prompt  ratification  of  the
          WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies adopted in
          June 2022, which clamps down on harmful subsidies
          given by governments to the fishing sector, and for
          the protection of key ecosystems, such as seagrass
          meadows, which provide numerous services,      During  the  Monaco  Blue  Initiative,  the  French Organising
          including climate change mitigation.           Committee of UNOC 2025, the Prince Albert  II of Monaco
                                                         Foundation and the Oceanographic Institute of Monaco officially
                                                         confirmed their partnership to co-host the Blue Economy and
                                                         Finance Forum by signing a Memorandum of Understanding.
                                                         The forum, a UN Ocean Conference Special Event, will be held on
                                                         7 and 8 June 2025 at the Grimaldi Forum Monaco, in advance of
                                                         the UN Ocean Conference 2025. The agreement was signed by
                                                         Olivier Poivre d’Arvor, Olivier Wenden (Prince Albert II of Monaco
                                                         Foundation) and Robert Calcagno (Oceanographic Institute) in the
                                                         presence of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.
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