Page 21 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
P. 21
Is there a comparable marine sanctuary Moral reasoning has, so far, failed to have any real
anywhere in the world? influence on the economic system. It is now clear
There are few transboundary marine protected areas that if we do not take care of our ecosystems, our
in the world, but countries are becoming increasingly civilisation will pay a high price. Therefore, by helping
aware that their marine resources depend not just on to preserve the health of the oceans through initia-
their territorial waters but on wider regions. Protec- tives such as Pelagos, we are ensuring a safer, fairer
ting these areas allows species to move freely and future for the following generations.
migrate through habitats that are essential to their
life cycle. Does this forum give hope for increased protec-
tion measures for the sanctuary?
A larger-scale effort similar to that of the Pelagos The forum united a very wide
area is the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor: a range of stakeholders in the “It's important to remember
marine protected area coordinated by 4 countries in Pelagos Sanctuary, and that
South America (Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, and is a fantastic contribution: all that an ocean in crisis is a
Colombia) which connects an immense ecological sectors need to work together crisis for humanity”.
corridor from the Galapagos Islands to the island of to deliver a carbon-neutral
Malpelo, covering 500,000 km . The establishment and nature-positive future. The forum demonstrated
of such a sanctuary is a clear sign of the drive for the consensus of views on ocean conservation, a
large-scale, cross-border protection of the oceans. very encouraging step which is gathering momen-
tum. No longer just a feature on maps, the ocean is
What does this sanctuary represent for current now firmly on the political agenda, and a real priority
and future generations? for many people. At the beginning of the 2000s, less
It's important to remember that an ocean in crisis is than 1% of the ocean was protected; today, more
a crisis for humanity. Conserving the Pelagos area, than 8% of the ocean is protected, and we're aiming
and the ocean in general is not just a moral duty - for 30% protection by 2030. We, therefore, need to
it's a matter of coexisting with the incredible animals focus on this objective and accelerate measures to
we share the planet with, such as whales. Today, the ensure effective, sustainable protection of ecosys-
stability of our climate, the oxygen we breathe and tems. It's possible and, above all, necessary.
the food we gather from the ocean hold the key to
the future of humanity, which is currently at stake.