Page 18 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
P. 18


               PANEL DISCUSSION 1                        PANEL DISCUSSION 2

            A SHARED AMBITION                         STRENGTHENING ACTIONS
            TO MOVE TOWARDS                           TO ACHIEVE THE 30X30
            A SUSTAINABLE BLUE                        OBJECTIVE IN THE
            ECONOMY AND CLIMATE                       MEDITERRANEAN
                                                      The panellists focused on the need for wider im-
            At the start of the panel discussion, Gloria Lá-  plementation of marine spatial planning, which
            zaro Climent outlined the latest data from the   could significantly improve the effectiveness of
            Plan Bleu, which indicates that the Mediter-  protection measures in the sanctuary, with the
            ranean basin is "considered to be a hot spot   goal to protect 30% of Mediterranean waters by
            for climate change" resulting from the high den-  2030. Carole Martinez, MedPAN's Policy Mana-
            sity of human activity and global environmental   ger, addressed the Roadmap for Marine Protec-
            problems. The environmental balance is being   ted Areas in the Mediterranean. Pelagos is also
            disturbed, leading to increased risks for ceta-  about leading by example. Representing the
            ceans. How can the region's high economic   National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago, which
            value and biodiversity conservation be safe-  is also a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Frances-
            guarded?                                  ca Gianini set out the sustainable socio-ecosys-
                                                      tem of the island of Capraia as a model: it com-
            The panellists proposed courses of action that   bines strict protection measures for the marine
            featured collaboration and cooperation as a   environment, focusing on the conservation and
            common denominator. These two areas are   study of marine mammals, with responsible arti-
            essential for mitigating the effects of climate   sanal fishing and other sustainable activities that
            change and promoting a sustainable blue eco-  benefit local communities.
            nomy. Valentina Cappanera, from the Porto-                                           IN
            fino MPA (Italy), recognises the importance of   Thomas Binet, who specialises in the ma-
            cooperation between marine protected areas,   nagement of natural marine resources at   SIGHT
            as well as active collaboration with those who   BlueSeeds, gave an overview of the negotia-
            use  the  natural  area  (fishermen,  divers,  etc.).   tion process used to define zones with different
            "Efficient data collection and minimising the im-  levels of protection, considering the interests of   “The identification of
            pact of human activity on the area cannot be   all stakeholders.                    critical cetacean habitats,
            achieved without a network  approach," says                                         assessed by ACCOBAMS
            David Gamba (Monegasque Federation of     The discussions revolves around minimizing   scientists, shows that
            Sport Fishing and Sustainable Whale Watching   apparent  conflicts  in  the  area  and  improving   certain areas, or certain
            Monaco), emphasising the role of participatory   spatial  management  of  issues  involving  the   maritime corridors, will
            science.                                  coexistence  of  cetacean peace and military   need to be avoided,
                                                      exercises, biodiversity and inshore or deep-  particularly during specific
            It's also a matter of slow, low-carbon tourism,   sea fishing activities. The active support of lo-  seasons. Perhaps there will
            aligned with shared ethical codes, such as the   cal communities, who are the co-creators of
            High Quality Whale-Watching certification label   conservation  proposals,  has  been  identified   be international decisions
            developed by ACCOBAMS in collaboration with   as one of the crucial factors for the Pelagos   to this effect.”
            the Pelagos Agreement for the quality manage-  initiative, along with the gradual approach to   Susana Salvador,
            ment of cetacean-watching activities.     achieving the 30x30 objective, the emphatize   Executive Secretary
                                                      on communication between stakeholders in the   of ACCOBAMS
            The creation of joint research and monitoring   area, and the sustainability of protection mea-
            protocols, the establishment of a shared vision   sures (particularly in the event of a change of
            and  the  difficulties  of  governing  cross-bor-  administration or government).
            der areas were then addressed by the focus
            groups, along with the issues of reducing the   The "Pelagos Charter", aimed at increasing the
            impact on cetaceans from human activities   responsibility of stakeholders, was cited as one
            (particularly recreational activities) and plastic   of the tools for improving the area.
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