Page 19 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
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SCIENCE AND also been recognised as a priority. Susana
TECHNOLOGY'S Salvador, executive secretary of ACCO-
BAMS, presented the results of the Medi-
CONTRIBUTION TO terranean cetacean monitoring study and
PROTECTIVE MEASURES. the NETCCOBAMS digital platform, which
centralises real-time maritime traffic data
The third panel discussion provided an and cetacean distribution data.
overview of the impacts of maritime traffic
and tourism development in the Pelagos How can we switch from reactive to pre-
area. As Dania Abdul Malak (Mediter- ventive management of the impact of ma- IN
ranean Biodiversity Protection Community) ritime traffic? What solutions can digital FIGURES
explained, collisions with marine mammals technologies offer for collaborative mo-
and noise pollution appear to be the most nitoring of cetacean populations? These
significant environmental impacts of mari- are just some of the issues debated by the ■ Less than 9% of the
time transport in the northwestern Mediter- working groups who shared their contribu- Mediterranean is covered by
ranean region. From low-tech initiatives to tions, looking at photo-identification algo- protected status; the Pelagos
solutions based on artificial intelligence, the rithms for cetaceans and experiments with Sanctuary alone accounts for
tools and resources created to facilitate the noise monitoring buoys. more than 1/3 of this area.
Less than 0.2% of the
development and implementation of effec- Mediterranean is heavily
tive mitigation measures were highlighted. protected
■ 220,000 merchant ships pass
As stated by Alain Barcelo, Head of the through the sanctuary each year.
Knowledge Department for Biodiversity
Management at the Port-Cros National
Park, these include speed reductions and
the creation of shipping lanes and no-go
zones, with the potential to identify ship-
ping companies that comply with these
regulations. Increasing awareness among
those involved in the maritime sector has
To coincide with the forum, the Pelagos Initiative launched a call
for projects to strengthen the sanctuary's protection, thanks to a
partnership between the UBS Optimus Foundation, UBS Mona-
co, and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. The expected
projects will focus on biodiversity conservation, community en-
gagement and climate change mitigation.
As part of this partnership, the UBS Optimus Foundation and the
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation are each contributing one
million euros to strengthen climate action in this emblematic
part of the Mediterranean.