Page 17 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
P. 17

The first session, moderated by Philippe Mondielli,   Geoffroy Chatelard, Marketing Director of UBS, and
               Scientific Director of the Prince Albert II of Monaco   Olivier Wenden, Vice-President, and CEO of the
               Foundation, reflected on the history and objectives   Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, have an-
               behind the creation of the Pelagos Sanctuary, a ge-  nounced new financial opportunities and launched
               nuine "precursor of policies and measures linked to   a call for proposals to strengthen this commitment
               maritime spatial planning", according to Marco Lam-  (see box).
               bertini, long-time Director of WWF International. How
               can we transform the cross-border geography and   The forum then focused on three key issues, with pa-
               the complex management of the area into an asset?   nellists presenting the perspectives of local experts.
               How can we manage the issues arising from the   Invited to find solutions, the cross-border stakehol-
               overlap between cetacean habitats and biodiversity   ders provided with concrete proposals, stemming
               hotspots on one hand, and areas with high levels of   from  collaborative  working  groups  throughout  the
               development and economic activities on the other   day.
               hand? Purificació Canals, President of MedPAN, the
               network of managers of marine protected areas in                     ■  87 500 km²,
               the Mediterranean, spoke of the major challenges   IN                ■  27 national marine protected areas
               and  highlighted  one  of  the  specific  characteristics   FIGURES  are included in the zone,
               of this area, which encompasses a wide range of                      ■  84 Natura 2000 sites.
               sites subject to different levels of protection and ju-
               risdiction. In the face of these challenges, "dialogue
               and the collective effort of a broad community of                 With its deep submarine canyons,
               stakeholders are proving to be important assets",                 fed by the North Mediterranean
               says Mercedes Munoz Canas of the IUCN Centre   THE                current, this biotope harbours a
               for Mediterranean Cooperation, a view echoed by   CONTEXT         high level of biological productivity
               Costanza Favilli of the Pelagos Agreement secreta-                favourable to the equilibrium of
               riat. The French ambassador to Monaco, HE Laurent                 around ten species of large marine
               Stefanini, highlighted the importance of the sanctua-             mammals. This area sees the highest
               ry for the conservation of cetaceans, as well as inter-           density of human activity in the
               national efforts to protect the area.                             Mediterranean.
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