Page 15 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
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In conclusion, Robert Calcagno, Director General of
the Oceanographic Institute - Albert I Foundation,
believes that this 14 edition of the Monaco Blue
Initiative has "fulfilled its promise and demonstrated
the considerable progress made in raising awareness
on ocean issues since the initiative was launched in
2010.” Intensified action appears to be a necessity
if we are to achieve the objectives of the Global Bio-
diversity Framework, a position that Olivier Wenden,
Vice-President, and CEO of the Prince Albert II of
Monaco Foundation, fully endorses: "Existing solu-
tions to ocean challenges should be scaled up and
accelerated, by adopting a cross-cutting and holis-
tic approach and by transparently sharing data and
scientific expertise." This approach is central to the
Foundation's mission, particularly in the Mediter-
ranean region.