Page 24 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
P. 24


            The second half of the Monaco Ocean Week     All these initiatives, the progress of which was re-
            workshop focused on initiatives to increase the effec-  ported at the event, are intended to help bring about
            tiveness of highly protected areas. By 2023, the Med-  effective  marine  conservation  in  the  Mediterranean,
            Fund environmental trust is supporting 15 MPAs and   generating  significant  benefits  for  the  ecosystems
            4 new priority areas, particularly in the southern part   and communities that depend on them, both directly
            of the basin. With the support of the MAVA Founda-  and indirectly.
            tion, the Trust has created an office for high-protection
            zones. It is also developing management indicators
            for funded MPAs. The Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy
            project is committed to creating large-scale, highly
            protected MPAs, including a Mediterranean network,   THE CASE OF THE TURKISH GÖKOVA MPA
            by increasing the level of protection of existing ma-  The level of protection and the benefits achieved from this
            rine areas within the region. The  Med Sea Alliance   vast Aegean MPA has created a benchmark. Declared one
            unites NGOs around strategic priorities to restore the
            health of the Mediterranean, working in particular on   of the world's top 16 marine protected areas at the United
            the enforcement of regulations. A study carried out   Nations World Ocean Conference in New York in June 2017,
            by  BlueSeeds, and  Blue Pangolin Consulting has   it stands out for its holistic approach and results in moni-
            identified areas of opportunity for high, comprehen-  toring Mediterranean grey sharks and monk seals and re-
            sive protection in the Mediterranean, taking into ac-  habilitating Posidonia meadows. The benefits of its level of
            count socio-economic factors, biological threats and   protection have been listed, from increased catches and in-
            connectivity, and political issues. The Together for the   come for fishermen to the flourishing native macro-algae,
            Med program promotes sustainable fishing, the invol-  from climate change mitigation through carbon capture
            vement of the Mediterranean community, the impro-  by seagrass to the revival of threatened species.
            vement of the legal and political framework, and the
            financing of the transition to sustainable fishing.


                ■  8,33%: surface area covered
                by protected status in the
                (sources : MedPAN, 2020),
                ■  72% of the 1,062 marine protected
                areas in the Mediterranean lack
                regulations to reduce human                                                                          © - Adobe Stock
                impact on biodiversity,

                ■  only 0,23% of the Mediterranean is
                effectively protected and provides
                ecological benefits.
            (sources : Claudet et al, One Earth 2, april 2020)
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