Page 29 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
P. 29
Francis Staub, coordinator of Marine Mammal Twin- Jean-Jacques Goussard, coordinator of the twinning
ning as part of the European Union's Ocean Gover- project on coastal resilience, discussed the manage-
nance project, presented an overview of the toolkit ment of MPAs from the angle of building resilience to the
developed by Marine Mammal Twinning to improve rapid changes affecting coasts (climatic, urban, territo-
the management of marine mammals in marine pro- rial, etc.). The focus on good practices in this area (risk
tected areas (self-assessment tool, best practices, anticipation, planning and management, institutional
community of practice). It has been available to MPA resilience, spatial planning, etc.) concerns all partners.
managers, political decision makers, marine practitio- In 2022, 41 assessments across 15 countries in the
ners, and people involved in the conservation of these network were carried out on this subject.
sensitive species for two years now. "Very few MPA
assessment tools take marine mammals or migratory
species into account, which is a major shortcoming
for managers. Therefore, at Monaco Ocean Week,
the opportunity to present the toolkit to a wide range
of Mediterranean stakeholders in a critical region for
marine mammals is invaluable in supporting its im-
plementation," says Francis Staub, adding that the
toolkit is already in use in 17 MPAs. The Stellwagen
Bank National Marine Sanctuary in the Atlantic uses it
to assess its management plans, it is included in the
five-year monitoring plan for the Agoa sanctuary in
the West Indies, it is used to structure MPA projects
in Croatia and to help develop the first sanctuary for
marine mammals in Bermuda.
"The key element in the implementation of this toolkit
is the launch of the community of practice," explains
expert Tom Dallison. It is a "forum that brings MPA
managers and stakeholders together to promote im-
portant opportunities for collaboration and exchan- THE NEW GLOBAL ALLIANCE FOR THE PROTECTION
ging knowledge". This community of practice also OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT
provides an opportunity to share success stories and
lessons learned in marine mammal management. How can we reverse the ongoing deterioration of ocean eco-
systems? In line with the new post-2020 biodiversity objec-
tives, the importance of ensuring the effective management
of MPAs and providing them with adequate and sustainable
funding is paramount. Although a range of policies, legal
and technical measures and financial investments are being
implemented by key partners and institutions to support the
sustainable and effective management of MPAs, there are still
many gaps in effective management and funding.
Led by MedPAN and dedicated to the ocean governance pro-
ject, the afternoon session presented the new Global Marine
Alliance, an initiative of national and regional conservation
trust funds aimed at creating a global community to support
effectively managed and sustainably funded MPAs.