Page 32 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
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The final panel of the day, moderated by Andrew
Heinrich, PhD from Harvard Law School and MPhil
from Oxford University, brought out the emerging na-
ture of the issue of adaptation, bringing the subject AI'S CONTRIBUTION
into the realm of the law of the sea. The panellists,
Carlos Mata, Professor of International Public Law Michal Nachmany, director and founder of Climate
at the University of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, Policy Radar, then presented an artificial intelli-
and Liam Weber, Head of Grants at the Seychelles gence-based solution, similar to a search engine, which
Conservations and Climate Adaptation Trust, tackled maps and analyses the global climate legislation and
the central and new issue of adapting international policy landscape in order to support informed, evi-
law to innovative solutions, through concrete expe- dence-based decision-making: "Our mission is to orga-
riences in the Seychelles (the Blue Funds) and Uru-
guay. The discussion centred on the sharing of res- nise, analyse and democratise access to knowledge
ponsibilities by several countries, the consideration about climate laws and policies. The ability to unders-
of customary international law and the suitability of tand what's going on in this very confusing black box
regional laboratories. Romany Webb, Deputy Direc- of climate legislation and policies is really limiting our
tor of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at progress, and the ability to develop better laws, to hold
Columbia University, highlighted new legal practices policy-makers to account, to integrate political risks
to combat climate change in the ocean context: "It's into decision-making, including the mobilisation of
important that we have legal structures to govern the private and public funding."
industry that is developing on the ocean." The panel
underlined both the opportunity and
the difficulty in the process of adapting
and translating the international legal
system, which can be hindered by the
overlap of legislative standards.