Page 25 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
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          Integrated conservation:

          the right choice

          Organised by Côte d'Azur University in partnership with BlueSeeds and Coral
          Guardian, the conference combined the scientific, social, and economic aspects

          of integrated conservation of the marine environment

          Faced with the challenges of a rapidly changing cli-  SCIENCE IS CENTRAL
          mate and ocean environment, how can we preserve   TO THE PROCESS
          biodiversity and maintain the ecosystem functions
          that support coastal populations? This question was   The panel opened with a discussion on the role of
          already being raised in the 1960s by the American   science in marine conservation. "Scientific research
          economist Kenneth Boulding, a pioneer of sustai-  provides the data needed to understand and protect
          nable development  who compared the Earth  to a   marine ecosystems, and to develop effective conser-
          "spaceship" with limited resources. In this respect, in-  vation strategies," says Professor Cécile Sabourault,
          tegrated marine conservation embraces two mutually   Vice-President  of  International  Affairs  at the  Côte
          reinforcing objectives: the health of marine ecosys-  d’Azur University, and Director of the ECOSEAS la-
          tems and the well-being of the people who depend   boratory, emphasising the role of universities in provi-
          on them. This was the theme of the conference held   ding solutions to current socio-environmental crises.
          on 24 March 2023 at the Monaco Yacht Club.   Among the programmes for monitoring the effects of
                                                      marine protected areas (MPAs) on the ecosystem and
                                                      fisheries, the RECIF and FishMPABlue academic ap-
                                                      proaches were presented.
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