Page 26 - restitution_book_MOW2023_EN
P. 26


                      IMPROVING EFFICIENCY                        AN INTERDISCIPLINARY
                      How can we improve the efficacy of conservation?   APPROACH TO CREATING
                      "It has to be a global effort, with long-term involve-  SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS
                      ment from communities," says Timothée Cook, Head
                      of Science at BlueSeeds. This fledgling organisation,   Far from being a one-way street, ocean conserva-
                      which focuses on training MPA managers and staff in   tion is based on an interdisciplinary approach which,
                      financial strategy, introduced a guide for MPA mana-  according to marine biologist Christophe Mocquet,
                      gers and presented research projects, in particular on   director of the MARRES programme on marine re-
                      blue carbon in the Mediterranean and West Africa.  sources at the Côte d'Azur University, should be
                                                                  encouraged in teaching programmes, particularly at
                                                                  university level.
                      COLLABORATIVE APPROACHES
                                                                  "My experience as a botanist in the Chihuahuan desert
                      The theme of the societal acceptance of conservation   had a major impact on the way I see intersectiona-
                      measures was also addressed, by drawing a land-  lity in conservation." was an enlightening account
                      based comparison between the reintroduction of the   highlighting the context of environmental crises,
                      wolf in France and the clash between different par-  shared by Nikita Rose, an environmental science gra-
                      ties. Independent consultant, Florent Favier, empha-  duate from New York, who joined the MSc MARRES
                      sised the importance of listening to all stakeholders,   to become involved in protecting the ocean. "As I had
                      working together, and providing support. Faced with   to preserve native plants in this extreme environment,
                      the "triangle of inaction", the panellist proposes im-  I had to take the time to listen to the advice of the lo-
                      proving the involvement of the private sector in efforts   cals and their traditional stories about their ecological
                      to protect the environment, through a roadmap ena-  heritage. That's how I was able to establish a solid
                      bling informed choices to be made.          relationship with the community and preserve the de-
                                                                  sert's indigenous flora."

                                                           IN     Also demonstrating the importance of interdiscipli-
                                                                  narity, two former MSc MARRES students founded
                                                      SIGHT       the start-up  BlueLeaf with the mission  to protect
                                                                  Posidonia meadows in the Mediterranean. They are
                                “If we want to create sustainable   working on both aspects of integrated conservation,
                          solutions, we need to reach a common    with scientists to better understand the carbon sto-
                         understanding, which means breaking      rage  process  and  with  economists  to  find  ways  of
                          down the barriers between the natural   financing protection measures using the concept of
                               sciences and the social sciences.”  ecosystem functions.
                                          Christophe Mocquet,
                            Director of the MARRES programme
                                        at Côte d'Azur University
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