Page 97 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
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                      Monaco Ocean Week 2024 provided the opportunity   A SURVEY TO DEFINE
                      for the new project leaders selected as part of the   WHAT’S NEXT
                      2024 call for micro-initiatives to join the Community
                      of Practice that BeMed has been building for the   At the end of the meeting, a link to a survey was
                      past two years. In an online meeting during the   shared with all members of the network in order
                      event, one of four meetings held annually, network   to collect information about the problems they are
                      members shared experiences and worked on    facing and the subjects they would like to explore
                      specific  topics  and  problems.  The  idea  behind   in the coming year. The roadmap for the future work
                      this collaborative space is to make progress   of the Community of Practice will be drawn up in
                      collectively and foster cooperation between the   the same spirit of collaboration to offer members
                      new and existing members of this community of   optimum support.
                      Mediterranean stakeholders who are committed to
                      tackling plastic pollution.
                                                                  NEXT EVENT

                      THREE CENTRAL AREAS                         During the session, it was announced that the next
                      OF CONCERN                                  meeting will be held in Athens in April on BeMed’s
                                                                  Laureates  Day. Members  of the  Community  of
                      This  year,  the  topics  discussed  revolved   Practice are invited to meet face-to-face once a
                      around three themes: the end of life of plastic;   year. In response to members’ requests, the event
                      raising  awareness  among  users,  residents  and   will focus on storytelling, in the hope it will become
                      stakeholders; alternatives and changing models.   a tool to help tackle the challenges encountered in
                      The discussions proved fruitful and enabled   the field.
                      initial connections and links to be made between
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