Page 101 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 101


         and the Sea

          “Following  on from his book  The  History  of  Water
          in Monaco,  I  am  delighted  to  continue exploring
          the theme of water with the Scientific Director of
          the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Philippe
          Mondielli, who has teamed up with Professor Denis
          Allemand, Director of the Monaco Scientific Centre,
          to trace the history of the Principality’s connections
          to the sea”, said Frédérique Mora, President of the
          François-Xavier Mora Foundation, in her opening
          address at the launch of the book Monaco and the
          Sea, published by Gilletta, which took place at Monaco
          Yacht Club on 20 March 2024 in the presence of
          HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco. The book’s two co-
          authors then regaled guests at the evening event with
          their geologist’s and marine biologist’s knowledge of   The Sovereign with Denis Allemand, Frédérique Mora and Philippe Mondielli (left to right)
          the Principality, which has the ocean in its DNA.  at the launch of the book Monaco and the Sea (published by Gilletta).

          During  their  lively  presentation,  they  took  turns  to
          share the key moments in this centuries-old history,
          from the area’s unique geological story to the
          maritime history of the Princes of Monaco and the   HUMAN HEALTH
          adventures of their early oceanographic expeditions,
          which kickstarted the movement for protecting the   The benefits
          global ocean led by the Sovereign Prince today.

          The  book  sheds  light  on  many  intriguing  scientific   of the ocean
          facts, like the role of tectonics in the geography of
          a turbulent coastline, the land origins of Posidonia   On the evening of 22 March 2024, the Monaco Scientific Centre and Monaco Yacht
          seagrass, the introduction of an invasive seaweed   Club co-hosted a conference for healthcare professionals and the general public to
          and the success story of the return of the bluefin tuna.   explore the benefits provided by the ocean for our health and well-being.
          We  discover  the  first  marine  pollution  awareness   Scientists and project leaders gave lively presentations on the beneficial effects of diving,
          campaign from the 1960s, when a ‘Message to the   including for post-cancer resilience, surf therapy, sailing and the Navicap challenge, and
          sea’ was delivered at the foot of the Rock of Monaco.   sea and lake swimming, among a raft of other benefits. The event concluded with a
          We learn why cetaceans frequent the area where the   panel session and audience discussion.
          seabed  was  sculpted  thousands  of  years  ago.  We
          witness the boom in red coral harvesting, delve into
          the inventory of fish species and feast our eyes on
          astonishing archive photos in what is already proving
          to be a benchmark publication.

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