Page 105 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
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                                                                                               INSPIRE YOUTH      | 103

          “Let’s be inclusive in our decisions – to enable new
          people to participate. We must move towards a more
          human-centred decision-making system that listens
          to the voices of others to identify new solutions,”
          Barkha Mossaë, Regional Regenerative Blue
          Economy Manager at IUCN Eastern and Southern
          Africa Office

          The second panel shifted the focus to leadership
          in  ocean  finance,  policy  and  business.  Addressing
          questions on obstacles and effective tools for ocean
          leadership, the panel of Ocean Leaders underscored
          challenges such as conflicting interests, social inequity
          and  insufficient  funding  and  knowledge  in  ocean
          business.  “In  terms  of  developing  public  policy,  the
          biggest challenges are access to data and the top-
          down approach to accepting, implementing and
          deploying solutions and innovations,” explained Jhorace
          Tupas, Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Management
          Section Chief in the Department of Environment and
          Natural Resources–Biodiversity Management Bureau
          in the Philippines. Timothy Bouley, founder and CEO   ROUND-TABLES – THE HIGHLIGHT
          of BioFeyn, which provides biomedical technology   OF THE OCEAN LEADERS EVENT
          solutions for aquaculture and agriculture, noted the
          role of storytelling among young entrepreneurs. Ocean   The event continued with three round-table sessions,
          Leaders Alexis Grosskopf, who works in South Africa,   during  which  the  speakers  and  audience  reflected  on
          and Barkha Mossaë from Mauritius highlighted the   insights gained and items to action. Monegasque students
          significance of adhering to core values and cultivating   had the opportunity to discuss and compare their points
          robust networks as essential strategies for effective   of view with the charismatic Ocean Leaders during
          ocean leadership.                             constructive exchanges. “This very interesting discussion
                                                        brought together individuals and key figures from various
                                                        backgrounds (both research and governance  positions),
                                                        all of  whom had  a personal  motivation to  bring  about
                                                        change for the ocean,” concluded Bangladeshi professor
                                PROFILE                 Alifa Haque, who also highlighted the importance of
                                                        cooperation, of building relationships with communities,
                 Launched in 2020 by the University     of the need for proper collaboration between researchers
                of Edinburgh and supported by the       and local communities and of securing sustainable
              Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation,    investments.
              Edinburgh Ocean Leaders is the only
                   leadership programme designed
                     specifically for early/mid-career
                 ocean professionals. By supporting
              creativity, leadership, problem-solving
               and networking, the initiative aims to
              accelerate and amplify the visions and
             capacities of these talented people and
          their organisations, providing an enduring
                     positive impact on the oceans.
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