Page 107 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 107


              HOW DOES THE OCEAN                          “We have to find a solution to every obstacle we
              ABSORB CO ?                                 encounter using what we have to hand on board.
                                                          Our mast cracked during The Ocean Race. We
              The  young  oceanographer  captured  the  children’s   almost gave up,  but  we attempted  the impossible
              attention with two science experiments that brought to   and fixed it. Then we managed to overtake the entire
              life the global phenomenon of CO  absorption by the   fleet of competitors and win that leg.” Being as close
              ocean and the effects of ocean acidification on marine   to the elements as you can get, contending with the
              life. One young participant was invited on stage, where   unexpected, heading into the unknown and making
              they dipped a strip of pH paper into tap water. Another   decisions  in  an  environment  as  unpredictable  as  the
              student blew into the water, introducing CO  via their   ocean are some of the ways the open sea inspires
              breath, before dipping another piece of pH paper into   Team Malizia, and which they share with young people.
              it. Everyone observed a change in colour, proving the   Taking on the major climate challenge suddenly seems
              presence of the gas, one of the main causes of global   possible.
              warming, and that it decreases the pH levels of water.
              The experiment continued by adding acid to the water,   DRAW CLIMATE CHANGE FOR ME
              to demonstrate how the ocean will be tomorrow if
              we do not reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The   Then it was the turn of final-year pupils from École Saint-
              acidic solution was poured onto a piece of chalk, a   Charles primary school and second-year students
              type of limestone, and the children watched it dissolve.   from Collège Charles III high school to show their art
              The same happens to the skeletons and shells of   projects on the theme of ‘Making climate change
              many  marine  species,  including  corals,  shellfish  and   visible’. The students made a paper circle symbolising
              crustaceans. The experiments brought two very   the tonnes of CO  accumulated in the atmosphere,
              abstract phenomena affecting the world’s oceans to   and the interconnectedness between all the elements
              life for the children.                      of climate change. This was followed by a presentation
                                                          on the problems caused by greenhouse gas emissions,
              THE OPEN SEA REQUIRES A                     the consequences of the problems and the potential
              CERTAIN STATE OF MIND                       solutions.

              Develop a sports mentality towards the climate   At the start of the event, Boris Herrmann had asked
              challenge. That is the message to the young generation   how many children in the audience wanted to become
              from Boris Herrmann, who has already circumnavigated   scientists. The answer was three. When he repeated
              the world by sea six times. The renowned German   his question at the end, a third of the young attendees
              skipper emphasised the  resilience you have  to   raised their hands. Curiosity successfully awakened!
              demonstrate in offshore racing, especially for the most
              difficult  race  that  his  team  and  he  are  preparing  for   Since the My Ocean Challenge initiative
              again, the Vendée Globe.                                         was launched in 2018, Team Malizia
                                                           FIGURES             has raised the awareness of more than
                                                                               75,000 children around the world.
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