Page 112 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 112


            A fun and educational

            trail at Port de Fontvieille

            The Government of Monaco offered a fun and educational outdoor trail during
            Monaco Ocean Week to raise public awareness of the environmental challenges

            faced by a port committed to preserving marine life.

            A certified ‘Clean, Biodiversity Active Harbour’ since   The new biodiversity-themed trail around the Fontvieille
            2020 thanks to its efforts to protect local wildlife, Port   area was unveiled to the public during Monaco Ocean
            de Fontvieille has set itself a host of conservation goals,   Week. Using a map, participants must locate 10 small
            including becoming a refuge for marine biodiversity. To   card-punching stations made of recycled plastic and
            this end, a series of highly effective Biohuts  has been   answer a question on an emblematic species or a
            installed in Monaco’s ports through a partnership   conservation issue in Monaco. These include: How
            set up in 2014 between the Monaco Port Authority   deep can the European shag (a species of cormorant)
            (SEPM), the Department of Maritime Affairs, the   dive? The Saint Nicolas rocks just outside Port de
            Department of the Environment and Ecocean.   Fontvieille are coralligenous. What are they made of?
                                                         Dusky groupers have flourished in Monaco’s waters
            These steel cages filled with oyster shells help restore   since it was made a protected species in 1993, but
            marine  ecosystems  by  acting  as  artificial  nurseries   what  makes  this  fish  special?  How  does  Monaco
            that  protect  countless  fish  larvae  from  predators.   safeguard its two marine protected areas, which are
            Altogether, 79 nurseries have now been installed in   located in a heavily urbanised environment?
            Monaco’s two ports, creating an ecological corridor.
            The initiative has proven very successful, as evidenced   “Everyone who took part was really enthusiastic about
            by the biannual monitoring reports produced by   the initiative and thought the trail was very informative”,
            Biotope. These positive results have prompted the   noted Matéo Planchon, Ecocean’s sales manager for
            four organisations – joined in 2024 by Monaco Yacht   the Occitanie region, who ran a stand at the event.
            Club – to extend their partnership until 2027.  This sporty, fun trail for families and friends is available
                                                         7 days a week.
            “Captain'Game has been launched to promote this
            particular initiative, and more widely, to highlight
            Monaco’s commitment to the environment”, explained
            Estelle Gianforte, Division Manager at the Department
            of Maritime Affairs.

                                                            ■  1 trail, 2,5 km long,
                                                            ■  10 card-punching stations,
                                                            ■  Duration: approx. 2 hours.
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