Page 111 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 111


            At this session, the leader shuffled some cards
            and distributed them to the eight participants.
            The  pupils  discovered  five  species  of
            cetaceans, four types of ship and a collection
            of special cards: speed, noise pollution, plastic,
            collision, High Quality Whale-Watching ,
            marine  protected  areas,  scientific  research
            and fishing. Whale Risk is a card game aimed
            at raising awareness about environmental
            conservation  and  marine  mammal  protection
            with a focus on shipping traffic.

                                                                               A STRATEGY GAME
                                                                               FOR THE SUSTAINABLE
                                                                               MANAGEMENT OF THE
                                                                               MARINE ENVIRONMENT
                                                                               CETAMER turns its players into eco-
                                                                               ambassadors  for  cetaceans  and the  marine
                                                                               environment in the Ligurian Sea. What
                                                                               problems do humans and marine species
                                                                               come up against when they share the same
                                                                               space?  “How  can we  make  sure  human
                                                                               activities exist in harmony with cetaceans?”
                                                                               the group of young participants asked
                                                                               themselves. The object of the game is to
                                                                               increase harmony levels as much as possible
                                                                               by completing various challenges (the game
                                                                               starts with the harmony level at just 25%). As
                                                                               if by magic, solutions emerge from the players
                                                                               as they work together to manage the marine
                                                                               environment in a sustainably, cetacean-
                                                                               friendly way!

          The  École  Saint-Charles  honoured  Ocean  Week
          in school again this year by organising various
          educational activities centred on protecting marine
          species and their environment. The pupils were
          given access to a host of different tools throughout
          the week, including books, educational materials
          and interactive team games. In addition, the AMPN
          trialled new online games among different classes via
          the platform Genially:  an AMPN Trivial Pursuit-style
          game about the marine environment and a snakes
          and ladders-style game with a marine species theme,
          featuring the concepts of human-caused pressures
          and marine protected areas. All tools for getting young
          people involved in the major issues facing the sea.
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