Page 100 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
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                                   SPOTLIGHT ON THE OCEAN
                                   Art, economics and science

                                   hand in hand to raise public


                                   On 19 March 2024, at the Monaco Innovation Runway,   The danger of marine plastic pollution as a vector for
                                   an event marrying art and science was held to inspire   bacteria, in particular Vibrio Parahaemolyticus, was
                                   the general public, with the support of Monegasque   presented using immersive 3D technology by Houda
                                   innovation  start-up incubator  MonacoTech. The   Ayari, a PhD student at the University of Paris 8’s
                                   Monaco Ocean Week evening event began with a   Laboratoire AIAC (art of images and contemporary art
                                   science conference hosted by Rachid Benchaouir,   lab) whose applied research work is at the interface
                                   CEO and Founder of marine biotechnology company   between art and science. Ayari’s project,  Plastic
                                   Coraliotech, which is supported by the Monaco   Danger: from the Sea to the Plate, features virtual
                                   Scientific  Centre  (CSM),  during  which  speakers   reality and augmented reality visualisations of the
                                   discussed topics in the fields of marine biodiversity,   scientific data available to help the public understand
                                   environmental economics, pollution and sustainable   this phenomenon that can be harmful to human
                                   marine resources.                           health.
                                   CSM Director Professor Denis Allemand drew   Rachid  Benchaouir  then  presented  the  eco-friendly
                                   attention  to  the  role  of  marine  ecosystems  in   technology used by Coraliotech to create active
                                   maintaining  complex  food  chains  and  climate   substances that are identical to the natural molecules
                                   regulation. During the second part of the conference,   of coral ecosystem organisms, without any impact
                                   Nathalie Hilmi, Head of Environmental Economics   on the natural environment, using the process of
                                   at CSM, warned:  “Overfishing, pollution, habitat   biomimicry.
                                   destruction  and  climate  change not  only threaten   The event closed with the private view of Oceans en
                                   biodiversity but also undermine the economic stability   lumière, an exhibition of paintings by Slakï, an artist
                                   of the communities who depend on it”.       based in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin who is inspired by
                                                                               these themes.
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