Page 94 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 94



            In 2024, 14 new projects from 9 countries
            joined the BeMed stakeholders network.
            105 projects have been supported to date!

            The BeMed network

            expands its expertise

            BeMed has revealed the 14 winners benefitting from its
            support for their initiatives to make the Mediterranean


            Monegasque association Beyond Plastic Med
            (BeMed) continued its support for Mediterranean
            stakeholders striving to raise awareness of and
            reduce plastic pollution by issuing a call for micro-
            initiatives for the eighth consecutive year. The
            Mediterranean is one of the world’s most polluted
            seas, with an alarming quantity of plastic dumped   The BeMed network is present in
            into its waters every day. BeMed’s mission is to   15 different countries, with a total of
            support the growing efforts of emerging local   105 projects supported to date.
            initiatives in the Mediterranean basin to mitigate this   Hosted by the Prince Albert II of Monaco
            major environmental catastrophe.             Foundation, this organisation tackling
                                                         plastic pollution in the Mediterranean
            This year, 14 new projects run in 9 Mediterranean   receives support from the Didier and
            countries are being funded by the organisation and   Martine Primat Foundation, the Aether
            have joined the BeMed network, whose purpose is   Fund of the Foundation for Future
            to strengthen and amplify their contributions. The   Generations and the Fonds Français pour
            project leaders had the opportunity to present their   l'Environnement Mondial for its call
            initiatives at an online conference held on Friday   for micro-initiatives.
            22 March 2024, when they discussed subjects such
            as drastically reducing single-use plastics, raising
            awareness among and training local stakeholders,
            citizens and young people, collecting waste data
            and innovations. The members of this active network
            are once again joining forces to provide sustainable,
            inclusive solutions, as well as to share best practice
            in tackling the plastic emergency.
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99