Page 93 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 93


                                                          The  Mediterranean Posidonia Network, composed of
                                                          scientists and representatives of marine protected areas,
                                                          government  departments  and  civil  society,  presented  the
                                                          directives relating to seagrass meadow restoration, whose
                                                          main  objectives concern developing  structured  guidelines.
                                                          This includes several steps: assessing the need for restoration,
                                                          planning, site selection, restoration, monitoring and evaluation
                                                          measures, presenting case studies illustrating successful
          FEEDBACK ON PROJECTS IN                         measures, particularly nature-based ones, as well as analysing
          THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN                         unsuccessful experiences to identify the causes of failure. This
          Projects presented included the Italian Marine   approach  supports  the  implementation  of  new  Posidonia
          Ecosystem Restoration project, which is active in   restoration projects based on extensive knowledge.
          five coastal locations, and the transplantation project
          following the sinking of the  Costa Concordia cruise
          ship in 2012. More than 10 years after the accident and
          the subsequent clean-up operation, “an experimental
          procedure of constant, systematic transplantation
          was carried out in an area of 2,100 square meters at
          a depth of between 10 and 23 meters. We achieved
          a  density  of  around  30  Posidonia  leaf  bundles  per
          square  meter,  which represents good progress,
          particularly since 2016, the third year after the initial
          transplantations”, said  Dr  Edoardo Casoli,  from  the
          Department of Environmental Biology at Sapienza
          University Rome, adding that progress is monitored
          using photogrammetry.
          The results of the active restoration of a damaged
          Posidonia seagrass meadow in the marine protected
          area of Larvotto, in Monegasque waters, were
          presented by Alexis Pey, President of Thalassa Marine
          Research & Environmental Awareness, who noted “an
          18% increase in the number of leaf bundles and a low
          mortality  rate,  coupled  with  the  appearance  of  new
          branches”. Thanks to this project conducted by the                                 Cape Corsica and Agriate Marine Park © Gerard Pergent
          Monegasque Association for the Protection of Nature,
          new growth is beginning to fill in the gaps. “The meadow
          should be restored to a healthy density before 2026,
          but this is not certain because the rhizomes can live off
          their reserves for five years”, warned the biologist and
          marine ecologist, nevertheless.

          The presentations and ensuing discussions provided   The Posidonia Alliance, an initiative spearheaded by the French
          an opportunity to examine the restoration process   Biodiversity Agency, highlighted its commitment to protecting
          in more depth, compare approaches and identify   Posidonia seagrass meadows and banquettes during Monaco
          knowledge gaps.  Everyone  acknowledged the     Ocean Week. Actions include a study to understand the behaviour
          shared commitment of stakeholders to protecting this   of yachters, a public action campaign and encouraging people to
          precious Mediterranean ecosystem.               accept banquettes on beaches. It is an innovative and pioneering
                                                          undertaking, involving all the marine environment stakeholders
                                                          committed to taking action to protect Posidonia seagrass.
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