Page 92 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 92

            The Secretariats of the RAMOGE and Pelagos Agreements, in the presence of HSH
            Prince Albert II of Monaco, officially concluded a Memorandum of Understanding that
            aims to establish the principles of active cooperation between the two Agreements:
            to facilitate the exchange and sharing of information and implement joint activities
            to preserve marine mammals and their habitats. The first joint initiative will involve
            hosting a workshop in autumn 2024 to raise awareness of marine litter, a problem that
            poses a major threat to biodiversity.

            WHAT RESTORATION STRATEGY                    On this site, as well as the Prado site off Marseille,
            SHOULD BE ADOPTED?                           one experiment took advantage of the mass
                                                         flowering of the Posidonia seagrass meadows (which
            Experts from the three countries presented the   occurs about every 10 years) in 2022, and initiated a
            conservation and restoration initiatives carried out   restoration project using 18,000 seeds collected from
            within the Agreement’s jurisdiction. “What determines   the shore. “While the various restoration methods look
            that restoration efforts will be successful? Is it down   promising, preserving and  protecting the meadow
            to successful transplantation or actually restoring   remains the priority”, said Gérard Pergent, Professor
            the ecosystem and the functions and services it   Emeritus at the University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli.
            provides?” asked marine ecologist Christine Pergent-
            Martini, Lecturer at the University of Corsica Pasquale
            Paoli. She continued: “We are still at the R&D stage
            of this question. Restoration is a long-term activity;   IN
            it is costly and has to be part of a holistic approach,   FIGURES
            including from a climate change perspective”.
            Actions to promote Posidonia preservation were also     ■  The Mediterranean boasts 2 million hectares of Posidonia
            discussed, such as publishing restoration guides and   seagrass meadows in 16 countries in the basin. Only 40%
            forming an alliance to involve businesses in seagrass   of those meadows are located in marine protected areas
            conservation efforts.                           (source: WWF),
            A number of international research teams are trying
            out various restoration procedures in the Gulf of     ■  Nonetheless, they have shrunk by between 10 and 30%
            Sant’Amanza in Corsica in a bid to compensate for   during the last 100 years (source: Luca Telesca et al, ‘Seagrass
            the loss of 17 hectares of seagrass meadows. They   meadows (Posidonia oceanica) distribution and trajectories of
            are trialling several ways of encouraging the marine   change’, Scientific Reports (5, 2015)),
            plant  to return, including  propagation  of cuttings
            using different fixing methods and types of support,     ■  Posidonia seagrass meadows cover 20 to 50% of the coastal
            and other planting techniques, to see which is the   seabed and are home to more than 400 marine species,
            most effective.                                 providing multiple marine ecosystem services.
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