Page 89 - Livre_MOW2024_EN
P. 89

The CNDP’s website features an interactive tool called
                                               ‘Faites l’expérience’ (‘try it yourself’) that contains   DID
                                           detailed information and expert views to help people
                                                            form their own opinions (in French).   KNOW?

          DEBATING THE SEA:                                   THE SESSIONS
          The initial results of the national debate on offshore   SESSION 1: BALANCING HUMAN ACTIVITIES
          wind  farms  along  the  French  coast  were  revealed   WITH CONSERVATION
          at the ‘La mer en débat’ (Debating the sea) event in
          Monaco to an international audience:                The positive impact of marine protected areas (MPAs)
                                                              Jacqueline Gautier-Debernardi, Chair of the Monegasque Association for
          •   Public turnout was high in the 4 maritime       the Protection of Nature (AMPN), created almost 50 years ago, described
             regions consulted, in particular the French      the process of establishing Monaco’s two pioneering urban MPAs and its
             Mediterranean, which has 2,200 km of coastline;  Marine Education Area. She explained how the three reserves are jointly
                                                              managed  with  a  range  of  institutional,  scientific  and  socio-economic
          •   There  is  strong  public  support  for         partners.  Reporting  on  the  AMPN’s  monitoring  of  fish  populations,
             government plans to place 10% of European        Posidonia meadows, diverse habitats and human activities within the
             waters under high protection by 2030;            reserves, Gautier-Debernardi highlighted the importance of public
                                                              education and citizen science.
          •   Increased pressure from human activities
             has been widely observed and is impacting        Curbing coastal development
             marine life.  Yet in some places nature is       Frédérique Lorenzi from Menton-based organisation ASPONA described
             resilient, with the sea recovering thanks to     the increasingly artificial nature of the coastline along the French coastal
             protection measures and local conservation       town (66%) and the impact of human activities since the 1960s, which the
             efforts. Areas of uncertainty remain, however, like   French Coastal Law of 1986 and regional planning regulations have barely
             the complex task of restoring hake populations   dampened. Local conservation efforts have led to several successful
             and the declining growth of sardines;            initiatives, such as Cap Martin being classified a Natura 2000 site and
                                                              the protection of a 700-meter stretch of shoreline without seawalls. The
          •   Opinions are split on the offshore wind farms   current consequences of the redevelopment of Les Sablettes beaches in
             planned predominantly along the western coast    Menton (eutrophication of recreational water, sediment dredging, beach
             of France: while some see them as damaging       nourishment, reinforcement of seawalls, etc) have shown the high cost
             to the environment, others believe they can      of coastal artificialisation. The possibility of introducing a biological rest
             benefit marine life and be used for aquaculture or   period was also raised.
             designated areas of high protection;

          •   There  is  opposition  to  offshore  fishing
             regulations within certain segments of the
             population, who believe the industry has already
             been the target of restrictions. In contrast, inshore
             fishing,  when  combined  with  marine  protected
             areas, is presented as a rather good example of
             sustainable management practices;

          •   Retreating coastlines are perceived as  the
             number one threat by French people;

          •   Land-sea interactions, which are fundamental
             to marine conservation, are currently resulting in
             visible and invisible pollution at sea;

          •   Some marine protected areas are proving
             effective, but some require full protection.
                                                                                                  Beach refill © Frédérique Lorenzi
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